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31 Weeks Pregnant with Will

Baby’s Size: Pineapple
How far along: 31 Weeks
Total weight gain: 17 pounds. Though yesterday it would have been 18. Guess I am at that weird point where I gain and lose for a couple of days before finally putting on the pound (or more) for good.
Sleep:  Eh. It’s getting more and more difficult to remain conformable. I expected it, but maybe not this early.   
Maternity Clothes: Mostly. Still stretching out some random clothing items.    
Food cravings: Not a whole lot. Maybe some red meat. We had steak last night. I have switched back to a normal prenatal vitamin with iron but maybe I am still a little low.
Symptoms I HAVE: Heartburn. Of course. Why even mention it anymore. If it went away I would be utterly surprised. Maybe if he drops at some point it will get a bit better. The sciatic nerve pain has been almost non-existent, but the numbness has gotten a bit worse if I stand or walk for too long.   
Stretchmarks:  No new ones still.
Doctor’s Appointment:  We are at the every two week point so I will be going back again next week. =)  
Movement:  Definitely. He was having himself a dance party on Sunday night around 2am. I was awake for a while.         
Belly Button (In or Out): Still in.
Wedding Ring (On or Off): On.
Labor Signs: None.
Gender: Boy!  
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy 
Best moment of the week: Finishing up the painting in Will’s room. It looks awesome! We also purchased his crib which should be delivered in the next couple of weeks. I can’t wait to get it in and get more done to finish up his room.  
What I’m looking forward to: The weekend with my little girl and hubby. I’m hoping we can get to the pool a lot. I’m afraid it will get to the point soon that it is going to be uncomfortable for me to do a whole lot and she still requires a lot of attention in the pool so I have to be at the top of my game. I’m also getting more and more exhausted as the days go on (which I know won’t get better any time soon) so I want to make sure I spend as much non-exhausted time with them both as possible. I’m also wanting to get in as many more memories as a family of 3 before we become 4. I wish we could hit the beach this weekend but we have a birthday party on Saturday (which we are also excited about) and we usually don’t do the beach on Sunday because we have church in the morning and would rather go early in the morning than later in the day. The next weekend starts college football so I think we are done with the beach (as far as swimming) for this year.  

What I miss: Not a whole lot. Maybe not having to go to pee every 4 ½ minutes.   


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