How far
along: 32 Weeks
weight gain: 18 pounds. Still doing well. Doc is happy
with my weight gain still.
Sleep: Still
difficult remaining comfortable all night and (of course) getting up more and
more to use the bathroom. On average, I think I am up at least 5 times a night.
That doesn’t count all the times I wake up to rotate from one side to the
Clothes: Yep. I’ve also hit the point that I wear nothing but
shorts and a sports bra at night. Maternity pajamas are one thing I never saw
the point in investing in. So… I didn’t. I can fit in to my pj shorts/pants and
just throw on a sports bra. I usually end up really hot anyway, so it works out
just fine.
cravings: Nothing really. I HAD to have ice cream the other night and
actually went out to get some once Kenzie was in bed. Other than that, nothing
has stood out. I have eaten a lot of potatoes lately. Potato salad, mashed
potatoes, tater tots (when we were out), etc. Not sure what’s up with that but
potatoes have sounded good every night. It wasn’t a true craving though in that
I didn’t HAVE to have it. I just liked them.
I HAVE: Heartburn. Braxton Hicks. I also had some
pretty severe lower back pain earlier this week. I think I must have strained
my back. Steven commented that I never had that issue with Kenzie, but I also
wasn’t lifting a 27-28 pound toddler when I was pregnant with her. The only
real downfall to the back issues is that every Braxton Hick actually caused
pain instead of discomfort. The back pain made the Braxton Hicks way worse. A
few stopped me in my tracks. They never last long though (thank goodness).
Again, this is new for me because I never really had them (noticeably) with
Kenzie. I had to bust out my yoga ball to sit on finally. I am just hoping this
kid is still head down so that sitting on my ball does more good than any harm.
Not that I would think he would engage any time soon, but if he is breech I
have read that sitting on a ball can cause them to engage the wrong way. I have
also spent a lot of time on my hands and knees to relive the pain (also good to
spin a breech or posterior baby in case anyone is interested). It relieves the
pain on my back. Kenzie though I was doing yoga or something and enjoyed doing
her own version of “yoga” while I was doing pelvic tilts on my hands and knees.
The numbness in my left leg is coming and going. It stings a bit, but it’s
nothing I can’t deal with.
Stretchmarks: Still
no new ones. Still have random old ones darkening (turning red).
Appointment: Yesterday. I ended up
seeing the other doc in the practice. When I got there they were both at the
hospital delivering babies. I kept getting apologized too. I assured them that
when I went in to labor I wanted a doctor to tend to me so I wasn’t upset at all.
It just make the appointment a bit longer. BP was good… or at least “stable”
meaning it is hanging out exactly where it has been for a while. Good news is
that it isn’t climbing yet. Bad news is that it is higher than I would like.
Doc is okay with it though. We will just keep an eye on it as time continues to
march on. I am measuring at 31.5 for fundal height so everything is looking
spot on there. Will’s heartbeat was 150. Doc said the back pain is nothing to
worry about usually but to keep track of the cramping/Braxton Hicks and if they
come back and do not go away with fluids and rest to call them. We couldn’t set
my c-section date because my doc needs to do that but we are thinking it will
be scheduled for October 24 which is 3 days after my due date. I’m still hoping
to go before or be favorable to induce right around my due date to attempt the
VBAC should it come to it. Yes, the planning of a planned c-section is much
easier, but I would love to not only get to experience labor (yeah, I’m weird) but
also not have a toddler, new baby, and c-section recovery going on all at once.
My next appointment is in 2 weeks. The one after that will involve the Group B
Strep test. I can’t believe we are already to that point! With Kenzie, that was
the last normal appointment I had. I had the GBS test, found out I didn’t have
it, went in the next week and lo and behold had Kenzie 3 days later via
c-section. Starting to get a bit nervous now. I also went ahead and
pre-registered at the hospital today so that is taken care of. Now… to just get
at least 5 more weeks in… then to have a baby before my due date, hopefully.
Movement: Yep! I THINK he is still head down but I have such a
hard time telling. I almost always welcome hiccups because they give me a clue.
He is enjoying putting what I believe is his foot in to my ribs. I think he is
just starting to run out of room and is trying to do random stretches.
Sometimes I wish I could just see what on earth is going on in there. He still
seems to be on my left most of the time with the exception of the other night
when I think he rolled to the right. I say rolled because I watched my stomach
act like a wave as he went from one side to the other. This part of pregnancy
always makes me think of the movie Alien. It’s a bit surreal. Steven also got a
few good kicks/movements the other night. He isn’t super patient and doesn’t
usually wait to feel him but I finally convinced him to the other night and he
even remarked how strong he seems.
Button (In or Out): In… but it is
starting to threaten to at least flatten. Maybe I will get a popped belly
button this time. We shall see.
Ring (On or Off): On. I have had days though that I take them off early at
night. The heat has been exceptionally bad lately and that usually makes my
fingers swell, even when I am not pregnant. My ring definitely still fits fine
and early morning and late evening it seems to fit like normal. In the heat of
the day though, that is a different story.
Signs: None.
Gender: Boy!
Happy or
Moody Most of the Time: Happy
Best moment of the week: Setting
up Kenzie’s reading corner. She was just so excited.
I’m looking forward to: UCF
football is back on Saturday!!! We will be getting up early (well, normal time
since we have a toddler that wakes up between 7 and 8 every morning), prepping
a yummy breakfast for sure, and settling in to cheer on the Knights (decked out
in Knight gear of course) at 8:30am as they open their season all the way over
in Ireland. Now, as long as that volcano stays under control we will be hoping
for a Knights’ win!
What I
miss: Nothing really.
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Wow! I don't realize how big he has gotten until I see things like this. About 8 weeks to go... not sure how he is going to fit. |
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