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Friday Favorites

This has been a slow week. I have hit exhausted times 100 this week. Not sure why... other than that whole pregnancy/chasing around the most active toddler I have ever met, thing. But I couldn't miss our normal Friday Favorites post.

Friday night (after my blog was posted) was the first Dolphins preseason game. We went up to Froggers to watch part of the game. Preseason means we really only care about the first few plays usually. Regardless, it was the perfect time to get Kenzie dressed up in her Dolphins jersey and eat food that is not good for us while cheering on the Dolphins with all the football season regulars at Froggers. It's like Cheers there. Everybody knows your name. We love the atmosphere and Kenzie is always a hit. This year was no different. When the Dolphins scored on their opening drive and Kenzie yelled "Touchdown" complete with her hands in the air signaling the touchdown then she yelled and clapped... everyone around us thought it was great. She is her Daddy's little football buddy for sure. This year our goal is to teach her how to signal first down. As an aside... another Friday Favorite for me is also that her hair is at the perfect stage to put a little bow in it. The curls are just so adorable. I am LOVING this new hair style we have going. We just have to watch her because removing the bow is sometimes more fun than having people comment how adorable it is.

Speaking of Froggers... fried pickles. Yum! I was totally able to get my fried pickles. Finally. I was craving them for a week. Totally worth the wait. They were so good. Hmmmm... maybe we can get some more this weekend. The Dolphins do play again tomorrow night after all. =)

We had the best dinner Sunday night. We like to reserve Sunday nights for grilling. The joy of living in Florida is that we can grill pretty much all year round. We went after church on Sunday to Publix to pick out something to grill. Our initial plan was to just do barbecue chicken. Then, once we got into the store we found out that NY Strips were on sale. Score! So we picked up a package of those and some fresh shrimp. I marinated the shrimp in some concoction of spices I couldn't even tell you about now. I tend to just make up junk when I marinade. Then we grilled those along with the steaks (which just had some garlic powder and Worcestershire sauce). We had baked zucchini with Parmesan cheese and mashed sweet potatoes with it. It was so good. To our surprise... Kenzie even ate quite a bit of my steak! I can't believe my kid refuses most meat, poultry, etc. but loves fish and apparently steak. She is her father's daughter. That is for sure.

This past weekend we also started painting Will's room. The light blue coat is on and Momma comes back in to town tonight so we can finish up with the vertical stripes on the one wall. I can't wait! I'm choosing to only share these two photos at this point because I am planning a larger "Will's Room" post when we get more decorating done. =)

We decided that instead of putting Will's full name (William) on the wall, we are going with larger letters, only doing "Will" and I made letters to resemble different sports balls. His mobile has four different balls. Perfect for a name with 4 letters. No one has any idea how proud of myself I am. I think it cost me a total of $20 to make my own letters. I could have ordered them off Etsy for over $60. So, score 1 for Mommy on saving that cash! Score 2 that I did it all myself. Maybe I should practice more and open my own Etsy store. Haha!

Have I mentioned that I LOVE just sitting and watching Kenzie play sometimes. She is at the age where she doesn't always need attention and can play on her own. To watch her little mind work is really a cool thing. She spent quite a bit of time on Wednesday building a tower. Her look of concentration and determination reminded me of what I look like when I am working intently on something. She was focused, driven... and mysteriously quiet. I actually really enjoyed the quiet time, too. It doesn't happen very often.

And our final Friday Favorite? This is the second week in a row that Steven has worked from home. Yes, he is still working but it is so nice to have him here should I need him for anything. Plus, without any drive time he gets off work much earlier. He has himself set up in Will's room for the second week in a row. I figure that works until the point that Will has to start taking naps in his own room. Until then, we will try to keep Steven home as often as possible of Fridays.


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