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Friday Favorites

This week I spent most of the week battling a severe craving for fried pickles. I don't get too many true cravings, and honestly, this one probably isn't a "true" craving in the sense that I didn't make Steven get up at midnight to go search out fried pickles for me. I also battled the craving for almost a week. I'm hoping to get to Froggers tonight or tomorrow maybe because theirs are my favorite. Until I can get there though, I made my own. In an attempt to make them not as bad for me, I made a baked version. They were pretty good. They were definitely the best homemade I have ever done and I have tried a few recipes over the past few years. Here's the link to the recipe in case anyone is interested. Enjoy!

I get so excited when I see these bright orange packages show up in my mailbox. I cannot tell you the last time I actually paid for something (other than shipping) on Shutterfly thanks to Pampers Rewards, My Coke Rewards, and then just free things once you start ordering from them. This week I hit Shutterfly hard... Kenzie's 2nd year book, 50 free prints, thank you cards for her party... you get the idea. I'm (patiently) awaiting more bright orange packages in the coming days. If anyone sees a code for a free 16x20 print in the next few weeks, let me know. I'm planning to print a pic I took of UCF's endzone for Will's room.

Twofold... I LOVE these pants. They are super duper comfy. My mom got them for me for my birthday and I plan to take them to the hospital after having Will. I wore mostly gowns last time because of the c-section. Even if I have a c-section this time, they are a drawstring waist and I can pull it up over where my incision will be (and yes, they will fit over a weirdly deflated pregnant belly as they fit me now with room to spare over a hard full on pregnant belly). I can tell this time because I have the scar from Kenzie. =) I'm hoping to make it back to Target sometime soon for a couple more pairs before they are entirely gone. I saw a pair on clearance earlier this week. I should have just grabbed them but I was spending enough already that day. They are super soft and comfy. Seriously, the most comfy pants I think I have ever owned for just lounging around the house. Paired with a few nursing tanks, I think I have my after delivery outfits figured out for a while. (I will also be taking my gowns from when I had Kenzie in case I need to wear those... I know docs like to check incisions and everything, but my comfiness is going to be more important to me this time than worrying about making a doc wait while I strip to show them an incision. Sorry, Doc!) Oh, and the twofold part... anytime I lay on my back it's like watching a wave in my tummy. This little guy is such a mover and a shaker. I think he might have been breakdancing in there yesterday. I even had that crazy lopsided belly as he seems to prefer my left side.

Here's to starting my hospital bag! Yes, I know how early I am, but I am a super prepared person. Honestly, all I have actually done so far is get some toiletries. I like to buy the travel ones to pack in my bag so that I can have a bag literally ready to go should I need it. With Kenzie I had the opportunity to come home and finish packing before going to the hospital. My hope this time is to labor for quite a while at home before going in, but the last thing I want to be worrying about when I am more concerned with having childcare for Kenzie so I can go to the hospital, when to leave for the hospital, and oh yeah... that whole actual labor thing, is whether my bag is packed. My goal is to have the bag done by 35 weeks. My BP went up with Kenzie at 37 weeks so there is no telling what could happen with this baby. Could be entirely different but doc said he wouldn't be surprised if it is just how my body handles the last few weeks of pregnancy. I just want to be ready. I will be posting a full post on my hospital bag as we get closer and I have it done.

Wednesdays of Worship (or WOW). Our church periodically does nights of worship where anyone who wants can come and we do nothing but worship for about an hour. We were never able to go before, but this summer they have done a night of worship the first Wednesday night of every month and we have managed to get it together enough to make it out each time. Kenzie LOVES worship. I do too, but I especially love to see it through the eyes of a child. It's such a cool thing to witness. I'm going to be a bit sad now that it isn't going to be a regular thing each month. Kenzie did her usual dancing, clapping, and everything in between. Until, of course, she got bored during the slower songs and started running up and down the aisles because she thought it was a game. Good thing that is acceptable on nights of worship. The best part was her saying "Amen" with everyone and loudly yelling "my sin!" after we finished a song that ended in the same words. She cracks me up. (P.S. Sorry for the poor quality on this. I wanted to try to get a pic of Kenzie singing and dancing without disturbing her and it is dark.)

This cracked me up. As I added Kenzie's first bottle of vitamins to the mix after we went to the store yesterday, I realized that everyone in this family apparently needs some sort of vitamin. Between my prenatals, Steven's normal daily vitamin, now Kenzie's toddler flinstones (which she LOVED) and even the dog's joint supplement.... we are just a pro-active health family, I guess. I'm finally back on regular prenatals myself after going to gummies for a while because the iron in the regular ones was making my morning sickness way, way worse.


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