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Going to the hospital and we're.... gonna have a baaaaaaaby!

You would think having done this (to a point) before, I would be extremely prepared when it comes to packing a hospital bag. Truth be told... I'm not. The first time it was a strange experience for me. I didn't have to worry about a "labor bag" and only had to carry in a suitcase with a few things in it. I didn't use most of what I brought. I used all those lists online to plan my bag out and let's just suffice it to say... some people go WAY overboard. I'm sure I do too... but if I am saying it about those lists... yeah, it's just too much. At least for me. Maybe others feel they need all of it or maybe they actually use it all, but it was just too much for me. I'm sure I am overpacking again, but I am at least less than before.

I thought I would give a glimpse in to what a labor bag and hospital bag are for me on this go round. Let's start with my "labor bag" which I really just want to refer to as my "triage bag". See, the hospital I will deliver at has a triage department. When you believe you are in labor you come in to here and they determine if you are at the point that they can admit you or if you need to walk in circles around the hospital... or worse... go home. I never dealt with this department last time because of the situation, but I have heard that they don't like when women come in carrying full on suitcases as it seems "presumptuous" to them that you just KNOW you are in labor and they will automatically admit you. Yeah, I would totally be one of those women usually, but after reading this I want to stay on their good side as much as possible. Take note, these are not the same nurses you deal with once you are in labor or once you have the baby and are in a room. I dealt with nurses in the OR prep and great nurses once Kenzie was born and I can only give praise to them. Here's hoping we get nice ones in triage too. Okay, so back to the bag. In lieu of carrying in a suitcase or large bag for the reason stated above, I am carrying a small bag with just a few things in it to get me through triage and in to a room. Once all that takes place, I can have Steven run out and grab the suitcase if I need anything out of there. I can't imagine needing most of that stuff though. I can't imagine caring a whole lot either way to tell you the truth.

In my triage bag I will have just a few things:

1. First off, I will have my triage card saying I pre-registered and my ID (not pictured because I need it for everyday life still). Those just let me basically fast pass my way to triage. I don't have to stop at the check in when you first enter the hospital. I don't have to fill out forms. Yay for not doing that while dealing with contractions.

2. I also plan to wear flip flops to the hospital, which is why you don't see them here. I don't care about the temp outside but I want to have flip flops for the hospital room as I hope to go natural and unmedicated this time and would like to walk around the halls if I can. I'm more comfortable in flip flops than slippers.

3. Aside from the flip flops though I am packing socks. Hospital rooms can be cold. While I will wear their gowns and I know they can provide socks, I want to bring my own just in case I would prefer to wear them.

4. Camera and camera chargers. Not missing out on that one. I actually will have my point and shoot in my triage bag and if I get admitted, I will have Steven run outside to grab my Rebel.

5. We also have an iPhone charger. Steven will be there with me and between the two of us, we hope to keep everyone updated on Facebook so of course we need a charger. It is actually not pictured here because we are using it in the house but we will grab it (I have a list of things ready to be checked off that aren't yet packed to make sure we remember it) and throw it in the bag.

6. Chapstick is a must. Hospital rooms can be dry. I know I couldn't handle not having chapstick after I had Kenzie so I just figured it is a small thing to throw in my bag to have during labor.

7. Baby Book (not pictured... mainly because we don't have it yet.I want this so that they can possibly stamp his little feet in the book after he is born. I didn't have it with me when we had Kenzie since we had the c-section, but they stamp a whole bunch of random stuff which I just glued in to her book. Worse case, I will do that again with him. No big deal.

8. Snacks (not pictured).Steven will be there and as long as all pans out and I give birth naturally, my mom will be there too. So, people need snacks. I don't have them pictured yet because I will just grab whatever we have in the house when I start to have timed contractions. I don't want to pack food too early. We always have granola bars, crackers, apple sauce, etc. so I know we will have food hanging around. No problemo.

9. Hair ties and headband. Let's just say I do not already have my hair up or I want a headband of sorts as I sweat it out during labor. Haha. Have to have extras packed just in case.

The hospital provides a labor ball so luckily, I don't have to cart mine along with me. I know you can also bring your own pillows, but I can't see myself carting that in either. I will just use what they have. It is gets so bad that I HAVE to have a pillow of my own I'm sure I can find someone to bring me one.

That is it for the labor bag/triage bag. Like I said, once I am admitted, I can have Steven or my mom run out to the car and grab the suitcase should I want anything in there. My focus is likely just going to be getting through labor though and meeting our little guy, but the option is always there. It's minimal and I know there are other things people bring in, like comfort or focus objects. I just don't see myself doing all that. Again, like with the pillow, if I want them I will find someone to bring them to me.

Now, on to the actual suitcase. I carry a suitcase just because it rolls and I think that is more convenient than carting a bag in or out. I use the one you would use as a carry on if you were flying, though. Don't worry, I'm not carrying in a huge suitcase like I am moving in or staying for more than a couple of days. If all goes well we will be out in just a couple of days. We stayed 4 with Kenzie because of the c-section and then an extra day because of her jaundice. (The doc made it look like my BP was still a little high and being monitored so I could stay and we wouldn't have to leave her in the NICU while I was discharged. Plus, when they told me I could go home but would have to leave her for one more day, my BP probably did shoot up. Wasn't happening. I would have camped out in the lobby.)

1. Will's coming home outfit. Now, you might notice that I didn't remove the tags on this yet. It is a newborn size; however, should I have a full term baby it is possible he could be fairly large (Kenzie was 7 lbs, 6 oz and 3 weeks early). That being said, this is actually not getting packed but I mention it because it will join us by day 2. Grandma and Grandaddy will wash either this or another sleeper I have picked out depending on his size and bring it up to us. You may also notice I am lacking a hat... just wait until you see what Kenzie is giving Will as a gift when she meets him. You will understand then. =)

2.  Kenzie's big sis gift. Can't forget that.

3. Toiletries. I figure you don't need to see all those. Just basically travel size items of most of the things I would use at home. Last time I also packed makeup in case I wanted to take pictures. I am debating that this time, but last time I definitely never touched it.

4. Soothies. I couldn't have gotten through the first few days of breastfeeding without these things last time. Lifesavers.

5. Lanolin. See above except it lasted me all the way through our year plus of breastfeeding. I used this stuff all the time.

6. Nursing pads. I didn't leak with Kenzie but you never know...

7. Aiden & Anais blanket. I love these. I hope to use it for pictures as well as to cover him on the way home.

8. Wipes. The hospital doesn't provide them. We can use cloths at the hospital, which we might do but just in case we want them I packed a small container of them.

9. Nursing Tops. Of course.

10. Pants. I didn't use any of these last time but I know I would be more comfortable in them so I am carrying them just in case. I will also wear one pair to come home (along with a nursing top).

11. Nursing bras. This probably doesn't require an explanation either.

12. Nightgowns. These are what I used last time. Partially because of the c-section and partially because it was just easier though I wasn't very comfortable most of the time. I figure I will bring them just in case I am not able to wear the pants.

13. An extra bag. Because I plan to remove everything from my room that isn't nailed down. I pay for all that. I plan to make sure it goes home with me. =)

There are a few things that aren't here for a reason. I don't have slippers because I might want to wear them before I go in to labor. I also didn't pack additional socks because I know the hospital will give me some, plus there is a pair in my labor bag. Since I will have flip flops I will have something to wear around my room and the halls so socks are not as important. I actually rarely wear socks at night. Too hot and I tend to take them off so I would only be using them likely to walk around and flip flops or slippers are easier to get on and off. My robe also isn't here. I'm debating taking it. I might just because all my nursing tanks are sleeveless so I might want it in the hallways or even when in the room. I just haven't decided for sure yet. I will probably throw it in, just in case. Underwear also aren't packed because I tend to actually like those mesh pants. I would rather ruin those anyway. Yeah... birth is messy.

Now, you might think I have a lot of clothing going on here but I have reasons for that. 1. I was there four days last time as I mentioned before... you never know. 2. I don't know what I will be more comfortable in.

There are a couple of other items worth mentioning that will actually just be stowed in the car until we need them, whether that being during labor or after delivery.

First, my laptop. I'm an over documenter if you haven't noticed so I need it in case I have time to blog. Babies sleep a lot and while I know it is advised that I sleep too, I know from experience with Kenzie that even though I will be up all night, I still won't nap much during the day. Especially in a weird place. I just can't do it. So, it will help keep me busy.

My breast pump.  I know, I know. The hospital can loan you a hospital grade one. I'm all for that... until I see the itemized bill after discharge. Whew! Who knew that borrowing one of those would cost me $450 for the 2 days I used it. Granted, should I have similar issues to what I had with Kenzie, I will ask for one and deal with the cost because mine won't be as good. Otherwise, I will just have my own hanging around in case something weird happens and I need it.

My boppy pillow. I brought it in with Kenzie and the lactation consultant used it to just prop her up but taught me to hold her using pillows. Now that I am more comfortable with it, I will just use it. It is easier than managing about 4 or 5 tiny hospital pillows while trying to not let a newborn slip through your fingers all while battling insane exhaustion. Should I have a natural birth... I'm sure the exhaustion will be even crazier. I actually think I will use it less than I did with Kenzie overall, but I would like to have it as I remember how tired I will be and I would rather have something under him to hold his weight in case I drift off while he is eating. Been there, done that. Don't want to drop a baby (not that I've been there or done that though).

I can't believe these bags are packed already. I wish I could convince Steven to throw stuff in for himself but he is convinced he will just come home and shower, change... what not. I'm all for him going home and spending time with Kenzie (except during that whole labor thing)... but it would be nice to have stuff anyway. He slept in his clothes last time and hopefully we won't be in as long this time. I'm sure we will make it. I just wish he would let me throw stuff in. Oh well. As long as there is no complaining from the peanut gallery... I'll deal. =)

So... hospital bag done! On time! I met my goal. Next on the list... get some items such as the swing set up and the carseat installed mainly to let Kenzie start adjusting to some of the weird changes over a period of time rather than all at once after Will's arrival.

T-Minus 5 to 5 1/2 weeks....


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