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Deja Vu! (Celebrating a Birthday)

Let me preface this by saying, if you stay through to the end, I promise to explain why this is such a deja vu moment for us.

Today we decided to celebrate Nana (my Mom's) birthday. Her birthday is actually Monday but we wanted to have her and Papa (Joe) down for the day to do something fun as we are trying to get in a few last hurrahs before Will arrives and we go on a bit of a hiatus from some things we might normally do this time of the year.

This morning Momma (used interchangeably with Nana) and Joe (used interchangeably with Papa) came in and brought Gus, their dog. Jack was so excited to see his best friend. Okay, really it is his only doggy friend. I should have gotten a picture of the two of them together. We all spend the entire day trying to figure out who is who. They are constantly being called by each other's names as they look so very much alike. It is hilarious. Kenzie can actually tell them apart better than any of us. Maybe because she is at their level (height wise... I like to think my kid is smarter than the dogs). Anyway, after getting them situated we headed out to Gatorland.

Gatorland is a "theme" park type thing here in Orlando that houses... you guessed it... gators. Who would have thought with a name like that? The plus is that they run Florida resident specials randomly throughout the year and you can get in for less than $10 a person (and Kenzie is free), so we figured that it would be a nice fun thing to do for the day. Lo and behold, today was in the 90s for the most part. We have actually had nicer weather all week. Until today. It was HOT. You would think that in late September we would at least be mid-80s. That is another story though.

Kenzie and I share a mutual love of alligators so this type of thing is right up our alleys. We happened to get there right as the gator feeding show was starting.

After checking out the feedings we headed out to the hottest part of the park to see all the exhibits that are along the outskirts (and in the boiling sun). We sort of rushed through a lot of it because it was just so hot. Between Joe, myself, and Kenzie, we were ready to get out of the heat. We ended up just beating the lunch rush and getting some lunch at their little "restaurant" thing which basically translates to "really expensive theme park type foods but they know you have no other option because they don't allow outside food or drink so you are stuck either being hungry or sucking it up and paying outlandish prices for a burger". Bet you didn't know "restaurant" could mean all that, did you? We did manage to sneak in an applesauce for Kenzie. =)

She was so hot and red! Poor little thing. 
After lunch Joe decided to take a break and just sit down near the exit (eating ice cream as it turned out) and let us finish up the rest of the exhibits. The plus to Gatorland is that you can easily do everything in just a couple of hours. Now, I would never pay their full price for admission but with the Florida resident promotion it is definitely worth it. We caught the Gator Wrestling show. Kenzie was only midly amused. She had more fun playing on the bleachers than watching what was going on. After that came Kenzie's favorite part of the day. At least, I think it was her favorite. The petting zoo portion of the day. I elected to sit out the petting zoo portion just because of that whole pregnancy thing. Granted, my chances at contracting anything are minimal and the animals are well cared for, but I was also hot and wanted to sit down myself in silence for a moment. So, Daddy and Nana took Kenzie through the animals. She LOVES being able to pet animals so she had a blast.

After visiting all the fury animals we went over to see the budgies. Aw! I had to do that one. Who can resist having a whole bunch of birds land on you? Kenzie wasn't so sure about them landing on her but she seemed to enjoy watching them, attempting to pull their tail feathers, trying to pet them (not that gently) and helping Daddy or me feed them.

After all that excitement we took quick strolls through the white alligator exhibit, the snake exhibit, and made a final stop at the parrots. That actually gave us the biggest laugh of the day. We were talking to the parents and something happened. To be honest, I can't remember what... but it made Momma laugh. Then the parrots started mimicking her laugh. Which made me laugh. Which made the parents mimic both of us. Seriously, Momma and I were laughing hysterically at this point. I can't even remember now what started it though.

We ended up finding Papa eating the aforementioned ice cream under a pavilion near the exit. Before leaving we stopped for a photo op of Kenzie with the big fake gator.

After Gatorland we headed home to let Kenzie take a nap. We ended up going to Froggers for dinner. Our initial plan was to cook for Momma's birthday, but we were all tired and Kenzie was requesting fried pickles. After dinner we celebrated Momma's birthday with a yummy, fudgy brownie. Kenzie loved helping her blow out her candles.

So, that was our day celebrating Nana/Momma's birthday. Now, on to why this whole post is titled "Deja Vu"?

You see, a little over 2 years ago I was very pregnant with Kenzie. Almost 37 weeks as a matter of a fact. Today, I am 36 1/2 weeks pregnant with Will. That's not where the story ends though. That weekend we were celebrating another bithday. Papa's. Momma and Joe came in to town and we didn't do much, but we did celebrate a birthday. The day prior to that I had my 37 week appointment and my BP was starting to spike. On Monday I went back to the doctor, found out my BP was even higher, and Kenzie was delivered via c-section by the end of that day. Now, while my BP has seemed a bit more stable at this point and it is likely that even if it is high at my next appointment they will give me a couple of days to see if it lowers before we make any rash decisions (maybe... based on my history... maybe not), I do have an appointment on Monday. I don't think Will is going to be here by Monday night (especially because I will also be one day shy of 37 weeks) but you just never know with these things. As we talked about all of this today, we told Momma and Joe to just be prepared. Just in case something crazy occurs. Just in case history starts to repeat itself. Haha! I really think Will is in there for a while longer, but you just never do know what could happen. In an effort to savor the moment, we even recreated a few pictures today. I give you... Kenzie and Will pregnancy photos...

Pregnant with Kenzie (36-6 weeks)... Beer Belly vs. Baby Belly

Pregnant with Will (36-4 weeks), Yeungling Belly vs Baby Belly (I was told
I had to specify the type of beer...)
Pregnant with Kenzie
Pregnant with Will
Pregnant with Will
Now only time will tell if we get the full deja vu experience. Again, I don't see it happening but we are quickly approaching D-Day (the day we had to deliver Kenzie). My BP is holding on as well as it can, but at some point we may not be able to contain it any longer. Will we end up with another birthday right around a family members? (Kenzie is 1 day before Joe. Is it possible that Will is going to be around Momma?) Only time will tell... 


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