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Adventures in Potty Land - Days 3 & 4

Day 3:

Today was a much better day overall. I sort of expected it would be, but I would not be surprised if we have a set back at any point in time. Nothing surprises me with a toddler. If I thought before that being home with a very active almost 2 year old all day was tiring... I was wrong. This is exhausting. I thought I would more used to it by day 3, but it just seems to keep going at the same level of exhaustion.

Today we had 3 accidents. So, Day 1: 9, Day 2: 5, Day 3: 3. While I would hope that would mean that tomorrow would be 1... I don't actually believe that to be true. I know it doesn't necessarily work like that. I'm hoping for no more than 3, but like I said, a set back wouldn't surprise me.

We made it out to Publix today with no issues. The trip was maybe 30 minutes with us being in the store for about 20 and I always make her try to go before we go inside and when we leave a store. She doesn't always go, but better safe than sorry.

I find myself saying "Do you have to go tee tee?" or "Do you have to potty?" ALL DAY LONG. We still aren't at the point that she will tell me every time. Maybe once out of 4 times she tells me without me having to ask or just take her. I'm hoping that starts to get better soon. I don't know how long this process will actually take... but I wish it were just over. I'm sure I will look back on it one day and say it wasn't so bad. Or maybe someone will ask me for my thoughts on potty training one day and my optimism will come back out. Oh! You can do it! It's tough but not that bad! I sure hope that is how I end up looking back on it. Right now... I'm just tired. Steven is going to South Florida this weekend but luckily my mom is going to come in and stay with us for a day or two. That will be great because I am looking forward to some back up during the day. Steven is great when he gets home at night, but he only has to deal with the chance of accidents for a couple of hours before bed. He has even gotten lucky and has yet to see an accident. I wish I were that lucky. =)

Day 4:

We made it through the morning! Yay! Kenzie also used the bathroom at Publix. She held on to me like she was terrified that she was going to fall in to the whirlpool of death, but she went. We had been in Publix for quite some time and I was getting worried that she might have an accident. Good call, Mommy! We made it all the way to nap time with no issues. She still isn't telling me all the time when she has to potty but I am starting to stretch out the time some between forcing her to try to go. We are up to around 45-60 minutes depending on the situation.

After nap time she refused to use her potty. For about an hour. I kept making her sit on it, but she just wouldn't go. Now, I never know if maybe just before I got her up she went in her diaper. Her diaper felt fairly dry when I removed it after her nap, but I am just never 100% sure. Finally, after some crying about being forced to go back to the potty, she went! Thank goodness. At that point, in my head I just kept thinking... 3 more hours until bath and bed. We can do it!

Then Steven got home and I guess we weren't paying as much attention to her. I missed her cues and she had an accident. Make that two accidents. In really close succession. Since she still isn't always telling us, we had very little warning. At least Steven got to experience his first accident. He said he didn't like it. Haha. Me either. I told him to imagine doing it 9 time... alone. I must have spent all day on day one either in the bathroom with Kenzie, doing laundry, or cleaning up floors.

After the two accidents we were about 45 minutes from bath. I have countdowns now (more so than before). I was in the living room with Kenzie and she started yelling "POOP!!" over and over again. I swear. You would have thought we were being chased by a masked assailant with how quickly I grabbed her and ran her to the bathroom. Pregnancy can't slow down a mom trying to save her child from pooping her pants. We made it just in time. Moral of the story: Kenzie apparently hates having poop on her more than being wet. While she won't tell us about peeing, she didn't hold back on freaking out that she may poop. I know eventually she will be better at telling us beforehand but thank goodness we were home and the bathroom wasn't occupied when she had to go this time. Had we been out... it would have been quite messy.

Finally we made it to bath time and I figured that we were clear sailing. Well, during bath... for the first time all day, Kenzie announced that she had to tee tee in the potty. In the middle of her bath. She was fairly insistent and I have learned to listen anytime she says tee tee or potty. Even if she is just telling me about it... she goes to her potty so she understands that announcing it means I think she needs to go. So, I got her out of her bath, dried her off and lo and behold... she went. Crazy kid. I would think most kids would just go in the bathtub. Apparently not my child. Then after bath, she did the same thing. She announced it, was insistent, and when I put her back on her potty right before getting her dressed for the night... she went again. Now, if I could just figure out how to get her to tell me that kind of thing during the day. My life would be a lot easier and less stressful.

I guess you could say Days 3 & 4 were a pretty big success on the potty training front. I learn more and more everyday about how to deal with potty training and Kenzie's needs as far as this all goes. I am working on putting together a post on some tips or tricks I am learning along the way because I have had some friends with kiddos ask me some questions along the way. It likely won't go up for a week or so as I am learning more and more everyday. I am no expert, for sure... but maybe I can offer some advice along the way that might help someone out. I hate to provide unsolicited advice but I figure this way I can answer some questions some people have been asking me without being pushy at all. Take what you might want... leave what you don't. I'm all for that strategy. I, personally, hate unsolicited advice but I have asked advice of more than one person along the way on this journey. Maybe I can help someone else out. =)

Look for an update on potty training later this weekend and that tips/tricks post sometime next week. =)


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