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Friday Favorites - Elf on the Shelf Edition (Week 3)

I can't believe next week is set to be the last week of Kenny's place in our home for the year. It seems like we just started this yesterday. I know I say that because I am not one of the parents yet that needs to come up with super creative ideas each day. Sit that crazy elf in the tree and my kid thinks it is funny. Do it a second time and she thinks it is hilarious. Warning: This is a fairly pic heavy post...

Day 1 of this week brought us Kenny building with Kenzie's blocks.

The day's activity was actually one of my favorite of the month. Making reindeer food! It is super easy and we get to give it to our family and friends as well. It is just oatmeal (uncooked oats of course) and sprinkles. You mix it together, put it in a cute bag, and add a nifty little tag. On Christmas Eve day we will be sprinkling it in our yard to attract Santa's reindeer. Our neighbors have some too so I'm sure he can't miss our house!

On Day 2 Kenny showed up in a mug with some marshmallows that he must have searched through our pantry for. Kenzie thought this was one of the funniest of the week.

His appearance with marshmallows and hot chocolate was warranted because the day's activity was to watch a movie and drink hot chocolate. Kenzie actually had chocolate almond milk which she has never had before. She seemed to like it. We watched Frosty the Snowman. Kenzie loved that!

Okay... so Day 3 I phoned it in more than the norm. Kenzie was sitting on a candle on our half wall. Unfortunately... I also forgot to take a picture of him. Could I just throw him up there, take the picture, and post that even though it wasn't really day 3 when I took it? Sure... but I'm not going to. Use your imagination. ;) I promise to make up for it with more than enough pictures from our advent activity.

Our activity for the day was to go to Snow at Celebration. We did this last year and Kenzie seemed to like it. This year... she LOVED it. We went with our neighbors and their three girls. We had dinner at a yummy Italian restaurant beforehand and made it outside in time for the first snowfall of the night. Then we took a ride on the train. I'm surprised we weren't escorted off the premises since our train car chose to sing Jingle Bells as loudly as possible throughout most of the train ride. Kenzie also thought that was awesome. She loves that song and tried her best to sing along.  (I feel I must mention for any of my Northern living readers... this is Florida snow. It's soap bubbles essentially. We take what we can get. =) )

On Day 4 Kenny took to the chandelier again with some of the ornaments from the tree. That hanging chandelier bit is always a winner with Kenzie.

The day's activity was to make ornaments. I had actually planned something better than what we ended up doing... but I didn't want to go out and purchase all of the materials for something I was fairly certain wouldn't work how I wanted. I could see myself posting one of those Pinterest "Nailed It" photos. In lieu of that, we attempted salt dough. I ended up using a bit too much water which made Kenzie very against putting her hand in it. Instead, I let her use cookie cutters to cut out two shapes of her choosing. Okay, I nixed the Easter egg shape... but any other two were fine. My initial plan was to do one print of her hand and one of Will's... but I was alone at home and couldn't manage to hold him and make him uncurl his fist at the same time. So, I gave up. Next year.

Day 5 Kenny took my point and shoot camera. I had plans to have him take random pics around the house, but I felt that would have been lost on Kenzie this year. I'm making sure to file that one away though in my brain for next year. Here's to hoping that my mommy brain files it in the right place and I can locate it next year.

The day's activity was to take Christmas pictures. That basically amounts to me making the kids dress up in their Christmas outfits (and an additional wardrobe choice this year) and taking a few pictures of them in front of the Christmas tree. It is easier for me to do this on a random day during the month than try to get the pics before we head out to Christmas Eve service at church. Will wasn't super into my box idea... and eventually they were both done but they are pretty good sports and I got some cute shots.

On Day 6, Kenny decided to read a book to some of Kenzie's friends. He chose the appropriate Frosty the Snowman. 

The day's activity was to pick out a new Christmas book. We are going to try to buy one (or two when Will is big enough to participate in choosing) new ones a year until we have a bit of a collection going. We traipsed on down to Barnes and Noble and Kenzie went to town. She LOVES books so this is probably one of her favorite days. We ended up getting a Doc McStuffins Christmas book that I think I have read approximately 47 times since we walked out of the store.

On Day 7, Kenny borrowed Kenzie's kazoo. Needless to say... she immediately wanted it back. Funny how she doesn't want to play with a toy until that darned elf has it in his stitched together little hands. She is usually pretty good at waiting though knowing that he will leave it and she can use it/play with it the next day. 

The day's activity is actually my one major throw away day of the month. We listen to Christmas music all day. Basically, whenever we are in the car or at home if I remember to turn the radio on. Kenzie doesn't care a lot about this day but it gives me a break. It worked out well too because we had Will's doctor appointment this morning bright and early. He ended up being super fussy after his shots and ran a very low grade fever so having something that didn't require any effort on my part was a plus for the day.

I can't believe next week is the end of this! I guess next year I will have to work a bit harder. I'm looking forward to actually being able to do some fun things that Kenzie will understand. 


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