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Goodbye 2014!

I can't believe this is the last day of 2014. It seems like January 1, 2014 was so very long ago and yet just yesterday. So much has happened this year in our family and I think it has likely been our best year yet.

In January (early February) we found out that we were going to be having Baby Young #2! We held off on announcing that secret until March, but I remember the day we found out very well. I also remember that terrible morning sickness all too well.

We took our annual cruise with Ryan and Jen again this year in April. Again, I was pregnant so I could have stood in as the designated sailor if the captain wanted to have a few libations. =) It was still a ton of fun though and I can't wait to do it again this year. Maybe we can even add a few more friends this year.

In late May we had our Team Pink vs Team Blue gender reveal party and found out that Team Blue was going home with the trophy! We were over the moon excited that we would be adding Baby BOY Young to our brood.

In July, we celebrated the big 3-0 for me and 3-2 (it doesn't have the same ring to it) for Steven. We also rang in our 8th year of marriage. The highlight of our month though was celebrating TWO with Kenzie. Our little girl is getting so big, so quickly. I can't believe that just over two years ago we were bringing her home from the hospital, both of us terrified but so excited to be parents. Now, she is this lively, chatty, precocious 2-year-old with a heart of gold and a personality the size of Texas. Watching her continue to grow and learn this year has been quite a highlight.

Also in July we had our very first Annual Cousins' Vacation with Aunt Juju, Uncle Eric, and Baby Evie (poor girl is going to be known as "Baby" Evie her entire life, I'm afraid.) We had a blast in Palm Beach and are so excited for our 2nd Annual Vacation this year.

Our next few months were fairly low key as we waited for Will's arrival. Then, on October 14, my water broke. At 6:04pm we met our Little Man, William Bryant Young. He was born with a fine set of lungs and a head full of hair. He is our miracle baby. I was shooting for that VBAC but just wasn't favorable. So, he was delivered via c-section... with his cord wrapped around his neck FOUR times. He has made our lives so much more more exciting and Kenzie is the best big sister. They obviously adore each other already and we can't wait to watch them (and their sibling relationship) continue to grow over the years.

As we close out 2014, we are so happy and excited to welcome 2015. We can't wait to see what the new year brings to us and our family. I can't believe all that has happened this year. We have had our ups and downs, but our ups have definitely taken the cake.

We hope you all have a very happy and healthy new year! Happy New Year 2015!!!


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