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Happy 2 Months William!!

Dear Will,

No! Stop it! Stop getting big so quickly! 2 months old and you are already getting so big. I swear, it seems like I wake up each day and look at you to realize that you have grown another inch and gained another pound. Okay, so you aren't doing it that fast... but it certainly seems like it sometimes. I feel like I must be getting pretty pumped up from carrying you around so much since you aren't the lightest kid on the block.

This letter is coming a day late because I wanted to wait until you had your two month appointment to get your stats. Unfortunately, you didn't get a normal 2 month checkup because you woke up early yesterday morning with a major case of congestion. Last night you were even worse. I was up with you sleeping on my from about 2:30 to 6:15. At least you slept well most of that time. =) We kept our appointment for you but couldn't get any vaccinations. We do know that you are 13 pounds, 12 ounces. That means you are less than 2 pounds from doubling your birthweight already!!! You are also 23.5 inches. I, honestly, don't know percentiles because we didn't ask since we were more concerned about how you felt. You were tested for RSV (just in case) but luckily it was negative. It is so weird to me that you are sick already. Kenzie made it 13 months without a cold. It wasn't even her that brought it home to you. We think it might have been Daddy. Funny that we stayed out of church and storytime to avoid exactly this and you still ended up sick. At least you don't have a fever (yet) and you are happy the majority of the time. As a matter of a fact, you were smiling like a fool at Dr. C this morning as she examined you. It was quite adorable. You are now wearing a full on 3 months size. No more 0-3 and definitely no newborn. You are actually wearing some 3-6 month already depending on what it is and who makes it. You are also out of size 1 diapers for the most part. We are finishing up a final box but they tend to be too tight around your chunky legs and you can't wear them to sleep at night or you leak out of them in a heartbeat. We go through double the normal amount just because they are too small right now. You developed an umbilical hernia this month, much to our dismay. We thought you were out of the woods when nothing was noted at your one month appointment, but apparently we were wrong. It is significantly smaller than your sister's was, so we are hoping it stays that way and that it eventually closes up (sooner rather than later.) It doesn't bother you, so we are just hoping that remains true until it closes.

You are still quite the little piglet. I don't know if I mentioned it last month, but I've decided that you don't end up with cheeks like that and 6 chins by missing meals. During the day you are still eating every 2-2 1/2 hours. Rarely (though sometimes) you will go 3 hours. After about 2 hours it is like a dinner bell goes off in your head (or tummy) and you let everyone within hearing distance know that you are ready to eat again. So be it. Except that now my body wants to feed you so often that I end up choking you or shooting milk at you during feedings. Sorry about that. At night you tend to go a little bit longer between feedings. I usually get a 4 hour stretch or so after you first go to bed. Then it fluctuates. Some nights you want to eat every hour and others you give me 3 hour stretches for the rest of the night. It's so convenient having you in our room. I'm just hoping that when the time comes to move you to yours you are sleeping longer periods.

As far as naps... we are working on it. It is so much harder to keep to a schedule with a toddler running around so you get cheated a bit when it comes to nap times. Being that it is the holiday season, we have been really busy. Most mornings you nap while we are out doing something. You are a champ at sleeping in your carseat during drives (though you are remaining awake more and more) and you often fall asleep immediately upon being put in the carrier. My goal this month has been to establish at least one serious "nap time" for you. So, usually after putting Kenzie down I will nurse you in your room and then lay you down. On average, you take a 45 minute to 1 hour nap and then wake up. If I can get you to go back to sleep in your crib, I do. Otherwise I will usually move you to your swing and let you finish your nap there (the swing doesn't run during your entire nap.) My goal after the holidays is to spend more time establishing a morning nap since we will be able to be home more often. Unlike your sister, you are a bit more flexible. I'm hoping that keeps up so that we can do things like story time some days and it won't ruin your day if your nap changes a bit. I know it's hard to schedule naps before about 3-4 months so we are just trying to set up the basis for a schedule to occur eventually.

This month we have really started seeing your little personality develop. You are doing more and more and we love watching you learn and grow. You have gone from just laying there to actually following us around with your eyes. You love to watch Kenzie especially. She is sort of like the flash though and sometimes you nearly give yourself whiplash trying to keep up with her. We can already see how much you love your big sister and she obviously feels the same way about you. You will smile like a fool when she gives you hugs and kisses. Speaking of smiling, you are one smiley baby now. You gave your first smiles just before you turned a month old but now you aren't stingy with them. You love to be tickled and for me to kiss your neck. You have started squealing a bit if we tickle you. You are "talking" a ton, as well. You like to lay on your play mat and have conversations with Ollie the Octopus. It is so cute because your sister was the exact same way. You guys both love that octopus. You have been hitting at him for some time as well, but now you are definitely purposefully hitting him and you are even able to grab at him periodically. Your coordination isn't great so you don't always make contact, but it is easy to see that is what you are doing.

You are still not the biggest fan of tummy time. We get in a few minutes of it each day. That is about all you stand for. You are a champ at holding your head up, like I mentioned last month. We carry you upright 99% of the time now and you hold your head up the entire time looking around. I think you just don't want to miss out on anything. I'm hoping you start with baby pushups soon during tummy time. Those are always so cute and you get to do something other than lay on your back. You like to be carried facing out (again... so you can see everything) and you like for us to hold you on our laps in sitting positions. I am thinking you will be ready soon to sit in your high chair. It leans back slightly so you should be able to do it. That will be nice for dinner because right now you are usually left alone in the living room while we eat and you hate it. I end up holding (and sometimes nursing) you while I eat. It will be nice to have you join us at the table.

I mentioned it is the holiday season, so this month we have spent a lot of time doing fun things as a family. I know you aren't at all intrigued yet, but I hope that next year you will enjoy all of this. Right now,  you usually sleep through whatever we are doing. We did go to the snowfall at Celebration yesterday on your two month birthday and you LOVED watching the snow and all the people running around like crazy people. You stayed awake the entire time and just looked. That was the first time we have really seen you watch an activity like that so intently. We are getting ready to celebrate your first Christmas so that should be fun (for us... since you will likely be sleeping.)

You have seriously brought so much more joy into our lives. Every day is a new adventure (especially with you AND your sister keeping me busy). We can't wait to watch you continue to grow and learn new things. Happy 2 months, Little Man!



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