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Happy Thanksgiving week everyone! Thanksgiving is a time when we get together with our families and celebrate giving thanks. Too often I think we forget that the word "Thanks" is even in this holidays and all we think that Thanksgiving is good for is turkey, the Macy's Parade, and football. Now... I'm not knocking any of those things. I love turkey, the parade, and (of course) some good football, but I think it's important to remember to give thanks for all we have.

I wanted to share 10 things I am thankful for this year. I figured I would share them with the blog world because giving thanks shouldn't be something we only do in private. I think we should sing our thanks from the rooftop.

1. My children. These two are the light of my life. I am so thankful that God chose us to be there parents and me to be their mommy. It is an honor.

2. My husband. He is such a great man. I am so thankful everyday for him. We might have arguments at times, but he is my love and I can't imagine going through this world without him.

3. My Momma. She is my best friend and one of my biggest supporters. I am so thankful to have the amazing relationship with her that I do.

4. Our home. We love our house, our neighborhood, our neighbors, our city. I can't imagine living anywhere else. There was a point in time that we considered moving out of Florida and I'm so glad we re-evaluated that and are still here in the Sunshine State. I may not be a native, but I'm hoping to earn honorary native status soon since I have lived her longer than I did in Mississippi and I have two children born here. Maybe I can get some sort of certificate.

5. Our church family. We found an amazing church filled with amazing people a few years ago. The teaching is awesome. The worship is amazing. The people that we have met and formed relationships with is a true gift.

6. Modern medicine. That one's a little odd. I know. However, this year we had a baby. Not only am I thankful for everything we know about birth (and specifically c-sections), but I am ridiculously thankful for my doctor's training and knowledge. Modern medicine, prayers, and my doctor brought Will into the world unharmed. His outcome could have been far different with his cord wrapped four times around his neck.

7. My "jobs". You may not realize that while I am a full-time stay at home mom, I am also sometimes able to work as a school psychologist. I work for a private practice whenever I can and get the best of both worlds. I'm home with my babies 99% of the time but still get to help those children that need the services I am trained to provide.

8. My family. I have quite the exciting family. They are always there for me when I need them and I don't know what I would do without them.

9. My friends. I have so many amazing people in my life. Some have been there for many years and others are newer friends, but they are all equally amazing.

10. Technology. Without it, I wouldn't be able to keep in touch with half of those that have my heart. I don't live near many of my friends and family. Without cell phones, the computer, or any of those modern conveniences, it wouldn't be easy to keep in touch with some of those people. Possible... but not as easy and we all live in an immediate gratification kind of world nowadays.

So, there's 10 things I am thankful for this year. Those aren't the only things I am thankful for, but in light of keeping it short and sweet... there are 10 of them.

As you sit around the Thanksgiving table with your family this year make sure to take time to reflect on all that you are thankful for. Celebrate those things. Cherish the moments.

I'm not sure who said it... but it's true...
"Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow a mystery.
Today's a gift.
That's why they call it the present."


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