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We Run This Bridge - Iron Girl 5k 2018 Recap (Plus a Day at the Beach)

We did it again! For my third time and Mom and Danielle's second, we tackled the Clearwater Memorial Causeway. And it was no less foreboding this time staring up to it's peak as you round the corner at about .5 miles into the Iron Girl 5k.

Saturday we were supposed to go to a friend's kiddo's bday party, but unfortunately there was a time change and we were unable to make it as the time the party was changed to was the same time we had to meet Mom and Danielle in Clearwater for packet pick-up. So, since we had to go to Clearwater anyway, we figured we would go ahead and go to Honeymoon Island State Park. HI is one of our favorite beaches in all of Florida. It is gorgeous and being a state park, is not as crowded as some public beaches. We knew the weather may not cooperate with us and as we got near Tampa, we saw some serious rain clouds. Luckily, the skies cleared as we went closer to the water and when we got to the beach, it was a gorgeous day... with a crazy strong wind. We decided to deal with the wind and just elected to not use our tent because being on the beach was more important than worrying about the tent. It's good we didn't use it too because even our chairs blew over anytime we stood up. It was pretty crazy. As soon as we got onto the beach, Kenzie beelined for the water and danced and ran through the waves. The kid with her blonde curls going in the wind and such a look of glee was so "Florida girl" of her. One of her favorite places is definitely by the water. A mermaid at heart. Will was a bit less sure, but it wasn't long before he was rolling in the waves with his sister. This year is the fastest he has wanted to go into the water ever. Usually it takes at least half way through the summer before he initiates entering the water. He was loving it though. Even when a wave took him out... he got right back up laughing and kept going. The water was so cold but it didn't bother the kids. Steven and I only went about ankle deep but that was enough for us. Eventually Will got too chilly though so we walked up and down the beach a ways before packing it up and finding a picnic table elsewhere in the park for lunch. After lunch we hit up the nature center where the kids did a scavenger hunt and earned shells for finding all the items on their lists. They have done this once before, but didn't remember it so it was fun for them.

After that it was time to head to Clearwater for packet pick-up. We pulled into the parking lot just after Mom and Danielle. Will had fallen asleep in the car so I took Kenzie and we went down to get our packets. They didn't do a shirt again this year and had towels. I liked my towels... but I love the shirts so I wish they would switch back. Oh well.

We then went to the hotel where Mom, Danielle, and I would spend the night. It was a bit farther away than our hotel last year but still better than leaving Apopka at 3am to drive over like we did the first year. Steven carried Will into the hotel but our room wasn't ready so they both took a nap. Not even joking. Will went back to sleep and Steven napped with him. Until he learned there was a sports bar next door. So once Will got up, Steven went over there to wait for us to finish checking in and get settled.

We decided not to eat there though and instead found the Cicis we had last year. One because the kids love Cici's and two because it is the largest in the world or something like that and has a full arcade connected to it (and an upstairs that can be used for parties). The kids ate and then played. They loved it and won enough tickets for a few small toys before they had to head out with Daddy to drive home. Steven and the kids made it home but Will had a rough night so it wasn't a fun evening apparently. Steven did great holding down the fort though and I'm so thankful he does this so I can go have a girls' day and do this race. Mom, Danielle, and I went to a couple stores before going back to the hotel where we used my new straightener on Mom's hair. It was amazing! Seriously. So cool. Then we turned in for the night because we knew it would be an early morning.

Sure enough, 5am came early. We got dressed and headed towards Coachman Park for the race. Parking wasn't too terrible because we were fairly early but the half marathon left 30 minutes before us so a lot of people were already there. As usual. We had plenty of time before the start for a bathroom break and then were able to see the half marathoners off before we had to get into the corral and wait. This is the half I was considering. I'm not sure if I will do it. After running our last 10k, and thinking some on it, I think 10k may be my limit, but I'm not ruling out a half just yet. I just may not do it next year. We will see. We waited in the corral for our start, listened to the anthem, and then were sent off! I left Mom and Danielle at the start line because I knew I wanted to run and they had plans to walk. To be honest, I know Mom was a bit nervous after the heart issues she had during the reindeer run but Danielle wasn't going to be a pushover and told her she would stay right with her and make her walk and not push too hard which could risk causing another heart problem. She knows what it is now though and knew if she felt it start up, she had to find emergency medical people immediately so she was prepared... but nervous.

I decided to try to stick with my 3:1 intervals as much as possible for at least the first half of the race. 3:1 is totally doable... without a bridge but I never know how that bridge is going to treat me. Turns out, I hit the bridge during my second running interval. I had a goal this year. I knew I wasn't going to beat my time from last year. That would have taken a lot more training than I have done this year so instead I had a new goal in mind. I was going to run up that bridge without walking (the first time I hit it as I knew I probably wouldn't make the return trip). And I did it!! I finished a running interval about halfway up but kept going to the top. I was so proud of myself. It was a very slow run up that bridge, but I did it. Since I didn't have a particular time goal other than finishing with a time that is consistent with my other 5k times (and not be significantly slower), I decided to take a selfie at the top of the bridge. Honestly, I never stopped moving as I turned around and walked backwards to take it, but it did slow me a bit.

Once I had my phone back in my belt, I ran down the other side of the bridge and into the water station. I decided to walk through the water station and through the turn around right after it. Once I had a few minutes to rest some, I decided to run again and wanted to push as far back up the bridge on the other side if I could. I think I made it about 1/4 of the way up before I had to walk. The return trip up the bridge is harder. You're tired... but also it's the angle. It isn't as steep but the incline is definitely longer. I almost prefer the steeper inclines because they are shorter overall. As I was going up the bridge, I caught sight on Mom and Danielle coming down it on the other side. They waved and Mom yelled that Danielle wouldn't let her run. Good! She wasn't supposed to. I ran down the bridge and around the corner before walking again for a bit. Mile 2 was my slowest mile at 13:53 but that bridge takes it out of you (you start mile 2 at almost the peak of the bridge the first time up it so the entire climb on the return trip is part of it). Mile 1 wasn't super fast for me either (13:15) but that bridge slowed me. Still proud I went all the way up it. I had dropped my 3:1 on the bridge as I figured I would so I just ran by feel for the rest of the race. If I thought I could do it, I did. Once I was rounding the final corner I knew the finish line was going to be not too far ahead and I decided to run in the last .25 mile or so. My final mile was my fastest at 12:27 which is far more typical for me though not always that late in a race. I actually did the last .10 of a mile at a 9:50 pace because I decided to give it all I had right there at the end. There is no way I could have maintained that for long but I was proud to get at least that far at that pace. It seems like nothing... until you try it and it isn't the norm for you. Crossing the finish line felt as good as it did 2 years before as my first 5k. This race always challenges me and is one of my absolute favorites. My time wasn't my fastest 5k to date (last year's Iron Girl holds that PR for me) at 40:25 but I am proud of my performance. It felt good. I collected my medal and hung out waiting for Mom and Danielle.

It wasn't too much longer before I caught sight of them running for the finish. Danielle finally okayed running for the last .10 of a mile or so across the finish line and they did awesome coming in at just under an hour. So proud of them! And so very proud of Mom for getting out there and giving it a try when I know she was feeling some anxiety.

We took some photos, stood in line to get our free rice (they gave this out last year... so weird but I actually found that Success rice is great in a pinch and buy it now to keep on hand... haha!), did a bit of shopping (I have a new 10k sticker on my car.), and got some food. The food this year was more typical after race food as they got rid of the sponsors from last year and had Jameson instead. I hope they switch back to restaurants next year because that was one of the best parts. ;)

We were all super proud of our performance and are already talking about returning next year. I'm thinking that maybe not next year (unless she is ready), but the year after, Kenzie may do this one with me. There is a mother/daughter team you can sign up as and I think she would love the girls' weekend that goes with it. This is such an empowering race. All women and everyone there with different skill and health levels but all out there doing the same thing with the same intent. Running the bridge.


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