Or so Kenzie would lead you to believe sometimes. As Kenzie is getting older, we are getting more strict with requiring her to do specific chores. Our goal is to teach her some responsibility and respect for her belongings as well as her home and us. We have always pushed manners with both kids. Kenzie is great about saying sir and ma'am. Will and Kenzie are both amazing at please and thank you. Will even said excuse me (which sounded more like "scue me" and was adorable) the other day and he told Kenzie "sowy" when he ran into her the a few days ago. I'm calling that a parenting win! However, we have been having a difficult time not only pushing for Kenzie to do chores that are age appropriate, but also adhere to a plan and stick with it. We all have those nights that we are too tired and I tell the kids that we will worry about cleaning the playroom in the morning because my goal is to get them in bed so I can have a few minutes to think without little o...
Our life as a family of four (Plus one dog)