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Preschool Done.... One Step Closer to MIT

So, here it is. The end of "preschool." Note: "Preschool" and "VPK" are not used interchangeably for the purpose of our discussion. In the sense of the word, Kenzie is done with "preschool" and next year will be in "VPK". Eek! That's not allowed. Kenzie's first official year in school is now done. She is one year older, one year wiser, one year more stubborn. It's crazy for us to think back that just a few short months ago we were going to her Meet the Teacher day and we were both having some major anxiety about our baby going to school. I remember the first day of school plain as day. I thought she might have some apprehension. Nope. None. I probably shouldn't have been surprised. Kenzie went in like she owned the place. There was a day that her teacher mentioned that Kenzie was one of the quiet ones in the class and rarely spoke. I'm still not sure that she was thinking of my Kenzie. Maybe I had been dropping off a pod person.

Kenzie loves school. She is always (with the exception of 2 instances I can think of specifically) excited to go to school and learn new things. She loves being with her friends and has a few people that she talks about quite a lot. She has come such a long way in a year. She can spell her name (Kenzie... not Mackenzie) for you. She can write her name using a guide and can write a K with no help. She is working on E. She can count to 29 only skipping 14 (ever. single. time.) She loves to count backwards from 10 (and has almost taught her brother to do the same though he doesn't understand what he is doing but just loves the part when they shout "blast off!" when they reach 0.) Her coloring skills have gotten so much better. She can cut with scissors. She can tell you numerous Bible stories and knows more catchy songs than I can name. She has learned numerous games that she is constantly asking to play with Will and us. She has blossomed into a great student and continues to be one of the most vibrant kids we have ever met.

One year down, many more to go, but one day we will be watching this little girl walk across a stage to receive a diploma. One day we will likely watch her receive a degree. If she keeps up with her obsession with being just like Daddy, we might have an engineer one day. Who knows? Maybe one day she will call us to tell us that she passed the Professional Engineer exam. All I know is that many years from now when she is successful in whatever she chooses to do, I am going to remember this little girl that stole our hearts in July 2012 and walked into her school her first day of preschool like she was on top of the world... and never looked back. This kid is certainly going places. I can't wait to see where they will be.


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