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Put Your Tractor In Gear...

Our little "Deere" is turning ONE! I can't believe it has been almost one full year since he made his big appearance in our lives and we welcomed him home. This weekend we celebrated in true Young Family style. Will doesn't have a choice in the matter right now, so we chose to have his first birthday be a John Deere theme. What could be better for a little October boy? It is fall, after all.

I have been planning this birthday party since the day that Kenzie's party was over. I sort of enjoy all of this if you haven't realized yet. =) Here is a recap of the decorations for his party.

We started with his John Deere wreath on the door. Welcome to the party!

We chaanged what we usually use as a "gift table" to a "memories table." I took the idea from my niece's party to have everyone write a fun note to Will that we will seal and open when he turns 21. We added in the favors here which were chocolate "1" pops. We also included a banner holding his monthly birthday photos above the table.

Our food table was super fun for this party. The bold green and yellow makes a perfect backdrop and, you know, we had to name all of our food again for this party. From the wagon wheels and cheese and cowboy caviar to the fruit orchard and pig pen, it was super fun,  We also used a John Deere tractor (that happens to be a fun flashlight) to pull the fruits and veggies on the table.

Our cake table was all decked out in John Deere green and yellow as well. As usual, Publix came through and actually offered a John Deere cake. LOVE IT! We also had to have a birthday banner and a penant banner to complete the look. We used Will's 1 Year chalkboard (or at least the version for his party as his actual board may have some changes after we get a true height and weight at the doc. We also decided on glass jars with sunflowers and "1"s to match the John Deere Theme along with the pic used for Will's birthday invite and a special bucket with lemons and limes.

My personal favorite part of his party though, was his high chair. We made a fun, fabric banner to display on the front of the chair. This was what set the entire party decorating train in motion. I loved this banner. We also attempted to make him a party hat. It was really just for photo purposes as it wasn't made to hold up for any extended period of time. He did end up wearing it with no issues for most of his "cake smashing" time (It's in quotes because he wasn't super into the idea of smashing into a cake. He would rather have some feed it to him.)

We also made a one year slideshow that we showed during the party. Unfortunately, because I do not own the music, I am unable to display it here... but we will have it to cherish for years to come.

Everyone seemed to have a good time and the birthday boy enjoyed his day. It was so much fun to do a party for a little boy. =)


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