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Convos with Kenzie

Kenzie is now a few months into her 3-year-old stage. That means that we have officially switched from only answering "why" questions to answering "why", "who", "what" and more often than not, "how. This also means that our conversations have changed drastically in nature.

When Kenzie was 1-year-old, she asked questions just getting the basics down. She wanted to know who people were, where we were, where other people were when they weren't with her... you get the idea. Around 2 1/2, she started with the "why" stage. It was tiring. Now, she is very much into knowing how things work or actually wanting to understand the "why" instead of just wanting to ask, to ask.

Lately, we have been having quite a few thought provoking conversations with her. Randomly, she will pull information out of left field that make Steven and I look at each other and question, "Did YOU teach her/tell her THAT?" To which the answer is usually either no or not in those words. Her powers of inference are amazing. I am constantly in awe of her little mind and how it works.

A couple of weeks ago she asked me to buy strawberries and I spent the next 15 or so minutes in the car explaining supply and demand to her. I didn't use those words but she told Nana once she saw her that she couldn't have strawberries because there weren't many of them right now so they cost a lot. Score! Economics concepts down already before she even starts school.

Then, about a week ago we were on a walk during the day and she asked me about the shade from the trees. That led us to start talking about shadows. We spent a 30 minute walk talking about how the trees (or whatever is in the way) is blocking the sun and creating shadows on the ground.  We talked about shadows being longer or shorter or being in front of or behind an object.

That leads us to the conversation we had tonight with Ms.Know-It-All. This evening she started telling Steven about shadows. We asked her what creates a shadow. She said a tree. Then we asked what has to be behind the tree to shine and create a shadow. Her response? "It's yellow.... the SUN!" We figured we might have led her to that answer by using the word "shine." So, let's test the concept... Steven told Kenzie that there were shadows inside and we showed her the shadows on the floor in the kitchen. I asked her what was inside that made the shadows inside.... and she immediately said "The lights!" I told you... amazes me. Maybe this is because this is my first time spending such massive amounts of time with a 3-year-old... maybe they all do this, but she still doesn't cease to amaze me.

Later in the evening Steven randomly asked Kenzie if she knew that there was water on Mars. She said yes and I proceeded to ask her if she even knew what Mars was. Without missing a beat, she said, "The red planet." That was one of those moments that Steven and I just looked at each other. Neither of us are quite sure where she learned this... TV, maybe?

She was actually full of interesting information tonight. When we were talking to "Uncle" Mike, he showed her a picture of his soon to arrive little guy and we asked her if she knew what it was a picture of. She said, "Uncle Mike's baby." We figure she remembers seeing ultrasound pictures of Will because we don't think she has ever been exposed to another ultrasound.

We have definitely learned, don't say anything around Kenzie that you do not want repeated... at the most random of times. She continually cracks us up... but she really amazes us.

I sometimes can't believe that we have gone from this little baby that said nothing to this little girl that wants to know how and why the world works the way it does... and then retains so much of what you tell her. What a mind babies and small children have. They truly are the smartest people on the planet.


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