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13 Weeks to 13 Miles! OUC Orlando Half Marathon Training: Week 10

Double digit week is upon us!!! Not only is it Week 10 of the training plan, but it is also the week that we run double digits for the first time as part of training. Okay, as part of life. I've never run double digits before this week.

Plan: 4.5 Miles, Actual: 4.5 Miles
Our last week with 4.5 mile short runs. Next week it goes up to 5 and then drops to 3 for the weeks before the actual race. This was another one of those crazy humid mornings. I screenshot the weather before I left when it said 100% humidity and it was so bad. I couldn't see but maybe a house ahead of me for a while during the run. It did start to burn off just a bit as I was heading home in the final .5 mile stretch. Or maybe I was just accustomed to it by then. Either way, it was rough. It was cool though so I'm calling that a major win because I don't want to another 100% humidity day along with heat. Though it could happen. This is Central Florida after all. This run felt easy. It was definitely one of the easier runs for me. It's just becoming easier. I kept my 1:1 intervals, obviously. I paced at 13:35 minutes per mile. So about my average. I felt good finishing. Honestly, I was happy this run was 2 days separated from the long run because I had some major tightness in my calves after the 9 miles this past weekend. Part of that was my own fault for wearing heeled boots to church on Sunday and then being on my feet as part of the worship team for hours, but it ended up lasting through Sunday and Monday. Hopefully it won't be as bad after the long run this week because I will only have one day recovery. The plan is built so you have two days after long runs, but with Steven and I both running the same plan, we have to reschedule days to make them work better for us. We make it work. This run also put me over 200 miles for the year. I know that doesn't seem like a lot for most people that run and honestly, more than half of that has been in the last three months, but I set a goal to run 200+ miles this year. I set the same goal last year and was about 20 miles short if I recall. This year I was again not on track to meet it at my current pace, but everything kicked into hyperdrive with this training. Next year my hope is to run 300+... but we shall see. Either way, this one put me over by about 3 miles so I was excited.

Plan: 4.5 Miles, Actual: 4.5 Miles
This was the day of the run that almost didn't happen. The night before I started to feel really crummy. I was fairly certain that what I thought was sinuses was actually a full on cold. I had a sore throat, headache, and just felt overall yucky. I actually spent hours vacillating on whether or not I was going to do this run or push it a day. Since my long run wasn't scheduled until Sunday, I knew I had an extra day built in. The only thing that was making me think I didn't want to run on Friday was that rain was set to come through Thursday night into Friday morning bringing another cold front. Granted, Florida cold fronts are not as cold as other places... but I really didn't want to run in rain. Especially if I was sick to begin with. So, I set my alarm for 5:10 on Thursday morning with the plan to get up and see how I was feeling. Then I would decide. In the grand scheme of things, I knew I could skip this run all together if I needed to since it was a short mid-week run, but I didn't want to need to do that unless absolutely necessary. My alarm actually woke me up which is rare as I usually wake up before my alarm on running days. Steven asked me if I was going to do and I told him yes, but I was thinking about just doing 3 miles. It was cooler out so that was nice but I was super congested and not feeling great. Then, as I was running I just kept thinking about how I really should do all 4.5 miles since I was already out and that was technically the "rule" of the training plan. #enneagram1 So... I did the entire 4.5 miles. I have to admit, I'm glad I did. I was feeling pretty good by the end. Well, comparatively. I was somewhat covered in snot. Probably TMI... but I had to keep blowing my nose and wiping it on my clothes. The cooler damp weather and wind were making my nose actually run. It was sort of a blessing in disguise. It did clear me out somewhat. I also did this run sans KT tape just to see what it would be like. I typically don't have much pain while I run so I wasn't worried about that. I wear the tape all day after a run though because that is when I have more pain. Turned out that I had minimal pain so maybe that is finally healing up some. I think I will wear the tape for long runs and definitely on race day, but I may elect to leave it off for shorter runs. Next week has two 5 mile runs mid-week so I will probably wear it for that, too. Long story short... I'm definitely glad I did this run.

Plan: 10 Miles, Actual: 10 Miles
Double digit day!!!! This was a day that I was sort of worried about. It seemed like such an undertaking despite the fact that we have run 9 miles and this was just one more. I headed out around 4:30am for my first super cold run of the year. 49 degrees and misting. Not that fun, but at least it wasn't 85 and 100% humidity. I made my normal circles around the neighborhood. My only issue was accidentally stopping my watch at 3.6 miles. At least I saved that 3.6 miles or I would have been so mad. I had to restart and do another 6.4. It was just annoying because it would have said 10 miles otherwise on my Garmin but I have two runs totaling 10 miles instead. I paced again around 13:30 for the duration of it. Pretty happy with that. That plus another 5k and it would be a half marathon. Next week brings us to our biggest week for the total training plan at a total of 22 miles. Then it's all downhill from there. And I have to admit... I'm not sad. This has been a long 10 weeks so far and I'm ready to get this show on the road.

Total Weekly Miles: 19 Miles
Total Training Miles: 127.92 Miles


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