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Happy Runniversary

Tomorrow is my anniversary. Well, my runniversary. On February 9, 2016 I started this running journey. I can't believe it was one year ago that I opened up the C25K app (for the third time in my life), hit start workout and went for it. As usual, I had high hopes but I knew I had already started this journey twice and not followed through. I wanted to make a positive healthy change in my life though and running seemed to be a (fairly) inexpensive hobby that didn't require any special equipment (though I have spent money on shoes and few other items along the way that make running more enjoyable) and I could do it at any time of day on any day of the week. Sign me up!

Those first few weeks were torture. I was tired. I was sore. I had shin splints like it was going out of style. My legs burned after a run and ached for a day or so after. I often felt like I wasn't doing enough because I couldn't always keep up with what was expected of me with that crazy app. But when I finished a run... I felt alive. I definitely suffered from a serious case of Runner's High. I never made it past week 5 of the program, but 1 year later, I can run a 5k in under 40 minutes with my 5k record being just over 36 minutes. I can run 5 miles (in intervals but still far more running than walking) in just over an hour. It's nothing for me to think I'm going to head out for "JUST" 4 or 5 miles. And I still love it. I might not always like it while I'm doing it (oops... maybe I shouldn't admit that... but it's the truth), but I am so proud of making it 1 year as a runner. I look forward to many, many more.

In just two days Steven and I are running the Run 4 Love 4 Mile (Recap to come after the race soon). Then, in about 2 months I am revisiting the 5k that started my love of running in actual races, the Iron Girl Clearwater. This time I'm taking my mom and sis-in-law with me for a girls' weekend. They are walking it and I am running to beat my time that first year. Then Steven and I have our "big" race. The one we are training for right now. Our first 10k. The Star Wars Dark Side 10k. I am sooooo excited for that one. I'm working my way up to 6 miles right now. I had hoped to be there already within the last week but I suffered a pretty severe back muscle pull or something. I don't even know what caused it. I went for a run, felt fine for hours and hours after and woke up the next day in pain so bad that by the end of the day (for a few days straight) I couldn't even lay down without major muscle spasms. I literally could sit in one really strange position and that was about it. Unfortunately, life doesn't stop though so I was still keeping up with the kids and the house and I think that made the pain last longer than it might have if I were able to rest more. Anyway, that sidelined my training for a week or so while I waited for it to die down. I didn't want to make it worse a week before a race so I opted to take off running for a week or so. To top that off, Kenzie developed some weird virus mid-week during the week that made her run high-ish fevers. She topped out around 104 but was pretty steady for a couple days around 102 before it finally seemed to drop to under that without the help of any medicine. It was rough and we were just waiting to see who (if anyone) else in the family would come down with it.  Then, this last week I have toned down my training. I wanted to ease back into my runs to make sure that whatever I did to my back wasn't running related though I really thought that it was related to how I slept one night. So I only did one shorter 3 mile run this week before the race. I know I can make the 4 miles with no issues and worst case scenario... I walk more of it than my intervals allow. The course is apparently pretty flat so I'm hoping to do pretty well. It's my first 4 mile race so it's at least an automatic PR (that always makes me happy) and they are giving a 5k split so I'm excited to see that. =)

I'm glad I somehow convinced Steven to take on this lifestyle change and challenge alongside me too. Okay, it was all his choice but I like to think that seeing how much I was enjoying it and how great I was feeling overall helped him along. I'm so proud of him, as well. His blood pressure has lowered since he started running. Both of us have lost some weight and both of us have more energy than ever before which is super necessary when trying to keep up with our two very active kiddos all the time. Bonus points that Kenzie likes help with her big girl bike now and we can totally run with her while she pedals without being crazy winded like we would have been a year ago.

Running is an outlet for me. I can run happy, sad, angry, frustrated... whatever. And it makes all the bad feelings go away. For an hour or so it is nothing but me and the road. I focus on nothing but myself, how I feel, how I'm breathing, and hitting my next goal. Some runs are easier than others. Some are faster than others. But they are all "runs" and they are all helping me get healthier and stronger.

I was hesitant to utter it when I first started but a year later, I'm not afraid to say it out loud... I'm a runner.

Here are some "By the Numbers" of my first year of running:

Miles Run (since I started tracking my runs): 192.44
It's about an average of 16 miles per month (just running though as these numbers do not include any walks I take). Not bad when I consider that one year ago I was going on frequent walks but not moving super fast and was definitely more couch than 5k when I started C25K. I was really hoping to break 200 miles and I think I would have if my back would have held up last week but it is what it is. My goal for the next year is to try to increase my overall mileage by 50% or more. (Sidenote: I didn't track my first week or two of runs so there is a good chance that I actually did break 200 but I can't verify that.)

First Overall Pace (tracked): 14:19 min/mile 
Which is by no means my slowest... that's closer to almost 15 min/mile.

Fastest Average Pace: 11:44 min/mile

Fastest Mile: 10:36 min/mile
I'm not afraid to admit that I am "slow" by running standards but this is worlds better than I did when I started. I rarely hit this pace anymore because I use intervals and my running isn't fast enough to outweigh my walking (yet).

First Distance (tracked): 2.13 miles

Farthest Distance: 5.26 miles 
Completed in 1:06.25... for comparison I ran the U Can Finish 5 Mile race in October in 1:09.06 (chip time) so I shaved 3 minutes off of that and added a quarter mile.

5k Record: 36:37
Though it wasn't in a race unfortunately and just around our own neighborhood. I also had a recent run that I REALLY thought was about 10 seconds faster than this but my watch didn't agree. I looked down at 3.1 and thought my timing was 36:23 but maybe I misread something... I don't know. Either way, I've hit a 36 minute 5k at least twice now so that is exciting for me. I barely broke 41 minutes my first time going the full 3.1 miles. My first 5k race was the Iron Girl where I ran 41:14.83 and other than a terrible time at the 5k on the Clermont Clay Trail... I've beaten it every time I've raced. (Though I know that will eventually stop... haha)  I've never broken 40 minutes in a 5k so I'm hoping to do just that at the Iron Girl this year.

Previous Race Results:
5k -
Iron Girl Clearwater - 41:14.83
Suck It Up Buttercup - 41:07 (Clock Time - No Chip), 40:41 (Watch time from crossing the start to crossing the finish) - PR
Clermont Clay - 41:30 (Clock Time)

5 Mile -
U Can Finish - 1:09.06


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