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Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Back to School She Goes

Today was the day! Kenzie not only returned to school for the year... but she started VPK! I can't believe our little bitty baby is now a 4-year-old, schooling master. She still loves school. She loves to learn and soak up knowledge. I still hope that never changes.

Yesterday we went to Meet the Teacher and met her two new teachers, Ms. Lisa and Ms. Kara. They are both really nice (not like we expected anything different) and welcoming. Kenzie knew a couple of the kids in her class because they were in her class last year so that was good. She also seemed to make friends with another little girl pretty quickly. During Meet the Teacher the kids get to play in the room and start getting acclimated. Kenzie and the little girl went over to the housekeeping area and set up a store pretty quickly. Eventually some of the other kids joined. She seemed to be having a great time. Will also went right in like he owned the place. He went right for the trucks and boats and had a blast playing with those. Then he noticed the kitchen. He loves a good kitchen. He stayed over there for a bit before returning to the trucks. When it was time to go Kenzie left fairly easily. She knew that she would be back the next day. Will had to be dragged away practically. We went to visit Ms. Kristen from last year and say hi. Kenzie was excited to see her. Will had to be dragged out of there too when he found the toys in her room. I think he will do just fine next year. Haha!

Today though was the real big day. This little girl has grown up so much. I can't believe it. Too fast! Too fast! She rocked preschool last year though and I'm sure she is about to blow VPK out of the water.

She picked out her new lunch box, shoes, and outfit a couple of weekends ago and was all ready for her big day. When I asked her what she wanted to be when she grows up for her chalkboard she told me that she wanted to work at Publix (like Aunt Danielle) and be a crossing guard. She used to always tell us that she wanted to be like Daddy so when we asked her about that she told us that she could work at Publix and be a crossing guard during the day and do what Daddy does at night. Apparently she thinks he has a part-time type of job. Haha! When I asked her what her favorite book is right now she immediately said Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. It's my favorite kids' book but I don't know that I have ever mentioned that to her. She has gotten really into it though since she can identify most of the letters now and she loves that we sing the ABCs every time we finish it.

This morning she woke up super excited to go. She wanted to get dressed and take her picture before breakfast so although that is a bit out of our normal routine, I just hoped she wouldn't mess up her clothes and we did just that. We were ready to leave right on time and (as usual) were a few minutes early so we waited outside for the doors to be opened so she could go in to officially start her time in VPK.

She was so excited when we got there that she told Ms. Kara good morning and ran right in without even giving me a hug. Sort of hurt my feelings but I held it together this year. I know she is in good hands and I know she is going to do so well. I held my tears in this year, but I make no promises when I have to drop her off at kindergarten next year. Steven and I might need to find a support group before that occurs. Will was actually the most upset. He kept saying "Play toys school" and wanting to go into her classroom with her. I had to carry him out of school crying because he wanted to go play with Sissy.

Sidenote: I'm not sure who changed out our youngest kid in the last week or so but we definitely have a different one. Maybe there was a recall and he finally got the fix to remove the excessive attachment to me. Between going right into church, hugging both Kenzie's dance teacher and the dancer teacher's helper yesterday at dance, and thinking he is totally big enough to go into preschool... he's like a new kid. I'm sort of loving it. I love his snuggles and the fact that he needs me but it is so nice to see him come into his own and become this little guy that actually wants to independence. Our littles are growing up.

Will and I ran some errands (in preparation for potty training in a few weeks... post coming on that soon) and then did lunch as a celebration of all the Mommy & Will time we are going to get during this school year. That is one thing I love about Kenzie being in school. Kenzie had years of time with just me. Will doesn't have it the same way but Kenzie being in school lets him have some undivided attention from me. That's the majority of the reason we chose to have my stay home before they go to kindergarten. So that they have this time and Will is seriously going to enjoy it this year, I think. Last year he didn't really care. He was too little. This year he seemed to get it. Anytime I would mention Kenzie today he would say things like "Sissy at school", "Go school", "Play school Sissy". I think he really just wanted to go play with her. He liked the time with me, but I think he sort of missed her.

When I picked Kenzie up she was still eating lunch. That slow eating is going to come back to bite her. Her teachers were okay with it so I waited a few minutes to let her finish some food before I took her out. She was just finishing her "treats" so she had eaten everything else. Her teachers were impressed because she told them she had to eat everything good first before she could eat her treats. Apparently a lot of kids do not think that way. I threatened her though that the treats would be gone if she didn't eat her sandwich and fruit first though.

She said she had an awesome day. They did story time (but not on the carpet... she was super particular about that) and they went outside to take a picture. She said she made a new friend but she didn't know her name yet and told me that she played with one of the little girls from her class last year when they went outside to play. Her teachers said she had a great day. We are so proud of her. She is truly a special little girl. She is going to do big things one day, I'm sure. She truly has a servant's heart and she is certainly going to do good.


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