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Welcome Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

It's almost time! School is upon us. The kids in our county return on Wednesday. Kenzie's first day of school is next Tuesday. Monday we will have Meet the Teacher during the day and then Tuesday will be her first day of VPK. More on all that in a minute...

This week though officially started our return to normalcy. It's about time!

Kenzie started back to dance on Monday. The fall season started and she was so excited. She was asking me all day about when it would be time to go to dance. She was just so ready to get back to it. This season/year we have elected to stay with the same teacher she had last year, Ms. Rebekah. Kenzie loved her so it seemed like a great bet when we found out that she was going to be teaching Pre-K 2. This year will be a lot like last year in that they will do ballet, tap, and tumbling but the skills we be more advanced. More "dance language" will be used (though Ms. Rebekah has always focused on giving them proper terminology anyway) and they will be expected to master more skills. We are all really looking forward to the year. Kenzie did great in her first lesson. She was the only returning kid from her prior class that chose this class.  Some kids aged out and some likely chose to go to a different class. She was like an old pro. Remembered everything from last year and learned a bunch of new skills already that she had to come home and show us as if we weren't watching the class anyway. She told me today that she had to start practicing them each day so that she would get better at them for class. So cute.

The only thing about it though is that class is at the same time on the same day as last year. It's not a huge deal and having it Monday at 5:45 lets Steven be able to attend a lot of the time, but it totally messes with my dinner vibe. Last season we took to having spaghetti and meatballs or spaghetti and meat sauce on dance days because I could prep everything before dance and then just reheat it once we got home. We are likely sticking with the same plan this year. Unless I come up with something else. Since Kenzie is picky about food anyway (though nothing like she was in the past), we are limited on things that I am okay with making and reheating. Mainly because I usually do not like reheated food. I will eat it to not waste things, but it isn't my favorite. That's my own issue though.

We have taken this week to try to get Will ready for school to start too. Due to Kenzie's new schedule, his nap time is going to be pushed back to about 1pm. What I assume is going to happen for a few weeks (if not longer) is that he is going to fall asleep on the way to or from school for a while when we pick up Kenzie. If it is on the way home, I should be okay putting him in his bed for a nap when we get home. If it is on the way there... well, who knows what will happen. He will have to figure himself out though because school is 4 days a week this year and he is nowhere near ready to drop his nap. Kenzie dropped hers at about 2 1/2 but he won't be that old until more than half way through the year. Plus, we think he is likely to retain his nap for longer than she did. I can only hope...

These two... too much
Last year about this time we started prepping Kenzie to be able to eat a lunch we packed for her in school. I would put her sandwich in a ziploc bag and her fruit in a tupperware and let her figure it out so that she was prepped for eating at school. This year, I don't have to worry about that but I am instituting a new idea. Kenzie always takes a sandwich (usually pb&j as all her food needs to be able to be non-refrigerated), fruit, goldfish, and water. She is constantly asking me for snacks though now a days and I'm presuming that this amount of food is no longer going to be sufficient. So, this year I have made a snack box. This is a large tupperware of fun snacks that she will be allowed to pick one item from each day for school. We have had a long talk about this box. I have told her that if she doesn't eat her fruit and sandwich, the treats stop and there is only one thing per day and only on school days. We will see how it goes. She seemed pretty excited. I'm hoping to be able to fit an ice pack in her lunch this year so I can send her with a cheese stick or something too. She loves cheese sticks but I am always leery of sending them because her lunch box last year was jam packed already and couldn't fit an ice pack and I didn't want it getting hot before lunch. We will see how it goes. If anyone has any other non-refrigeration requiring snack ideas, let me know. Just know that I have tried to get the kid to eat things like carrots. Not happening right now. Pick your battles. She apparently loves green beans now so we might be eating those for dinner 5 out of 7 nights or so just so she gets some real veggies in her.

We did our shopping in preparation for school. Kenzie picked out a new lunch box, new camelbak because hers was starting to break after some odd 2 years of constant use, school shoes, and a first day of school outfit. She is ridiculously excited about all of it.

Ready for school to start!
Kenzie loved school last year and I think this year will be the same. She is so excited to go back, meet her teacher, and see her friends. Plus, she gets to make new friends which is always at the top of her list of things she wants to do. I can't wait to see her in action again this year when the demands become a bit more involved and she learns new things. Should be fun! Also, I'm so excited to get back to a schedule of sorts. And I'm excited to get 1-on-1 time with Will. Kenzie had over 2 years of it and I think Will really enjoys it just being the two of us sometimes (though he LOVES time with his Sisssy, too) so it should be good.

Taking a break from the screeching, chasing
game they were playing for Will to "do a
show" for Kenzie before dance. 


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