This week has been jam packed. Not because we did a ton of stuff that might have been out of our norm, but because we were prepping for a certain little lady's fourth birthday party. Plus, Steven's work situation continued to be super busy so he was not home much at the beginning of the week. We started our week by hitting up the fountains in Winter Garden with our neighbor and her little girl. The kids seem okay with this type of "splash pad" but definitely prefer the more true splash pads. This is just fountains that shoot up in the air so there isn't as much interaction with them as there would be at a real splash pad. It still provides some fun and a reprieve from the heat for a little while. We got there right at 9 when they turn the fountains on and stayed for about an hour. Kenzie had fun in the actual fountains. Will found a deep-ish puddle to play in. Haha! The fountains themselves are sort of strong and shoot up pretty forcefully so they continue to be...
Our life as a family of four (Plus one dog)