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Happy Valentine's Day!

I will be the first to admit... Valentine's Day is a commercial holiday. With kids it works a bit differently anyway though and this was really the first year that Kenzie seemed to understand what was going on and why stores were filled with so much pink and red. It has been fun to prepare to give the kids small Valentine's gifts and celebrate the holiday.

To start, Kenzie and I made Steven special Valentine's Day rice krispie treats. Yum! It was a nice, easy thing that Kenzie could help me make since there is very little cooking involved and mostly just sticky mixing goes on. We made our marshmallow mixture pink to give it a more "Valentine's" flair and I used a cookie cutter to make a few into hearts. Kenzie had a blast helping me make "kispie treats" for Daddy. She might have also really enjoyed partaking in a few marshmallows while I melted the remainder of them. (You do what you have to do to keep a toddler occupied...) She was not so into getting sticky rice krispies on her hands while mixing. Haha! She kept trying to wipe them on me.

We ended up going out to dinner on Friday night. We don't like to deal with all the craziness that surround the actual holiday and restaurants so we typically go out to eat on a different day. Last weekend we went on a date night so this weekend we celebrated with the kiddos in tow. We just went to Red Lobster, but it was nice because we go out so rarely these days to begin with.

Sorry about the flash in Will's eyes. He wasn't too happy with the bright
light either.
This year we decided to get Kenzie a few things from the dollar section at Target. (That is an awesome place for small gifts for holidays for kids, by the way.) We typically do not spend a lot of Valentine's Day so the dollar section worked out well. She also needed some new sunglasses before our trip to Mississippi. We also had a luggage tag we made for her through Shutterfly that we wanted to give her to put on her backpack prior to our trip to Mississippi. We also bought Will a set of Oball keys. We love Oball products... but he has no idea what is going on so we just ended up getting him the one thing. Kenzie's favorite thing though was definitely her balloon from Daddy. She is obsessed with balloons. Typical 2 year old. Haha!

For Valentine's Day Steven surprised me with tulips. I am not one for flowers on holidays, birthdays, etc. Flowers die. It's just not always my thing. Don't get me wrong, I love flowers and I do like to get them on occasion, but I think it loses its excitement if I get them all the time. Steven agrees that flowers aren't the best gifts (for us, at least) and when he surprises me with flowers it is typically something that can be planted so we can enjoy it year after year. =) I love my tulips. (My super sweet hubby even thought to pick up the ones that haven't opened yet so that I could enjoy them the entire time they are in full bloom.)

This morning we also went to breakfast at Chick Fil A. Unfortunately, the biscuits weren't heart shaped. Haha! Oh well. Still tasted good.Plus... free coffee/iced coffee. Enough said.  =) Kenzie really enjoyed playing in the indoor play area. She still isn't so much into slides, but the rest was apparently awesome.

The rest of our day has been/will be filled with errands and odd jobs around the house related to our upcoming trip to Mississippi. Nothing really out of the ordinary here... except a toddler that refuses to let her massive cupcake balloon leave her side so we keep running into it.

Happy Valentine's Day from the Young Family! We hope all your days are filled with love and happiness. =)


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