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Showing posts from May, 2014

Touchdown Team BLUE!

Why wait to make the big reveal here? Everyone already knows. We are officially Team Blue this time around and William Bryant will be here in October!! Let me back up though and recap the day. I should probably start back farther than that though. Back before we even found out we would be expecting Baby Young #2 we talked about a gender reveal party. Rather, we argued about it. I loved the idea. Steven wasn't as keen on having everyone involved in us finding out what we were having. Not that he didn't want everyone to know. He just didn't know how he felt about us doing it all together. I wore him down though. Actually, I think he just sort of started to like the idea. We really just wanted to celebrate this baby. We had already decided that we would likely not do a second shower. We just had a baby about 2 years prior, after all. We figured even if it was a boy, we wouldn't need as many things as a first time parent would. So, we decided it wasn't such a bad i...

19 Weeks Pregnant

Baby’s Size: Mango How far along:  19 Weeks Total weight gain: Now I am moving between 4 and 5 pounds. I found a weight gain calculator by Nemours (I think) where you put your pre-pregnancy weight, current weight, and whether you are carrying multiples in then it tells you whether you are within the range that you should have gained at that point based on all those factors. 4 pounds puts me one pound under the range it suggests. 5 pounds puts me right in it, so I am happy either way. It suggests that I gain 15-25 pounds this pregnancy which is what the doc recommended so I am doing okay I think.      Sleep:  It’s off and on okay. I’m being hit a bit by the pregnancy insomnia period. I will wake up at night (sometimes with Kenzie) and have trouble going back to sleep. I am also starting to have the weird pregnancy dreams.   Maternity Clothes:  Yep. Though my shirt in today’s picture is actually not maternity. It is still long enough ...

18 Weeks Pregnant with Baby #2

Baby’s Size: Sweet Potato How far along:  18 Weeks Total weight gain: I think I finally, officially, picked up that 4 th pound. It doesn’t seem to be going up and down as much as it was a week ago so I am calling it… 4 lbs.    Sleep:  Eh. That sciatic nerve pain is driving me crazy when I lay on my left side. Also, Kenzie is still having off nights. Every other night or so we have an issue. They usually don’t last long but this pregnant lady needs her sleep! =) Maternity Clothes:  Of course.  Food cravings:  Hummus. Specifically Publix brand garlic hummus. I love the stuff regularly but didn’t really feel like eating it much… until about 3 days ago. I don’t know what came over me but I had to have hummus. I held in the urge though. Until today. I had to go to the store to get peanut butter and as soon as I walked in… I just went straight for the hummus. I am really particular to that specific brand and flavor though and it is som...

17 Weeks Pregnant with Baby #2

Baby’s Size: Onion How far along:  17 Weeks Total weight gain: 3 lbs still. I have read that most average weight women should gain about a pound a week during the second trimester. I am slightly higher than average so I am fairly happy still hanging out with my 3 extra pounds. Some mornings I weigh 4 lbs more than my starting weight but on average, I am hanging out with this additional 3 lbs.    Sleep:  Good, with the exception of dealing with Kenzie. I have NO idea what we are going through right now but I think I have been up anywhere between 2 and 4 times a night for the past week. If she wasn’t such a good snuggler when she is tired, I would be unhappy with our new predicament but I am still loving the snuggles because they are so rare when she is wide awake. This past Sunday night was my favorite. It was Mother’s Day and I was hoping she would just sleep through the night. I wasn’t feeling that well and didn’t want to deal with it, but lo and b...

16 Weeks Pregnant

Baby’s Size: Avocado How far along:  16 Weeks Total weight gain: Depends on who you ask. I was up 2 pounds at the doctor’s office. That is from where I started with them. I am taking weight gain based on each scale separately. On our scale, I am up 3 pounds. Either way, I am hanging out around 2 or 3. I found my info from when I was pregnant with Kenzie and at 16 weeks I was actually up 4 pounds so I am a bit lower this time. I did weigh about 4 pounds more though when I got pregnant this time than when I did with Kenzie.    Sleep:  Pretty good. Except for the toddler that keeps waking up at night and making me get up to comfort her. Not sure what is going on there but although it makes me more tired the next day, I relish the snuggles I get with our little girl. I know those won’t last too much longer so I take advantage now. I just wish she would go back to sleeping until 7:30 instead of waking up for the day between 6:30 and 7. Other than that, it’s g...