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Welcome to 4-and-a-half, Little Man!

Holy cow! Will is now officially closer to being five than four. I can't believe he will be a whole hand old in just a short 6 months. We like our half-birthdays around here. A very merry unbirthday to you! Anyway, in the interest of remembering to document what Will was like halfway to five, here we go!

So, at 4-and-a-half, Will...

... is somewhere around 44.25 to 44.75 inches at this point. Measuring him at home is... interesting as he is a wiggler and very ticklish so the slightest touch and he collapses in giggles which makes measuring him difficult. Anytime I do it, I get between 44.25 and 44.75 so we are going to assume somewhere around there is right. Also, he rode Expedition Everest for the first time about a month or so ago and the height limit is 44". We had him measured against the height thingy and he was obviously tall enough. All that to say he is quite tall. If he is 44.5 (split the difference), then he is at about the 96th percentile. He weighs around 38 pounds. He is quite thin which makes clothing difficult. His weight percentile is around 50. He typically wears around a 5t or XS (4-5) or Small (6-7) in clothing. Just depends on the brand and fit. The only real issue we have is that he requires longer aka larger shorts and pants because he is a lot of leg but his waist remains tiny and nothing fits right. Oh well. He wears an 11-12 shoe (again depending on the fit).

... is our funny eater. He goes through stages when he eats anything and everything you give him (except most veggies) and stages when I can't pay him to eat what were his favorite foods not 3 days prior. We are at the point that we know he will eat when he is hungry. Oh well. He would prefer to snack all day if we let him, but we try to avoid that. He does have a snack at school in the morning and he usually has a snack mid-afternoon. His favorite foods (if he is in the mood that day) are pizza (always pizza), spaghetti (but he prefers pasta that is in a "shape" like rotini or penne versus normal spaghetti) with just sauce and cheese, peanut butter sandwiches (absolutely no jelly though he used to eat jelly so that could change tomorrow), chicken nuggets (from Chick Fil A or McDonalds), yogurt, pancakes, and cucumber. He used to be my one that would try anything but as he has gotten a bit older, it has changed some. I know he will come around so we don't worry too much.

... loves school. Because of his birthdate, he is only in a 3-year-old class this year but he is excelling. Being the oldest is definitely not a problem for him. His teachers tell me he is mature and a leader. He does very well academically. Next year he will be in VPK and we know he is going to do well. At least we hope so. He can recognize all his letters and knows their sounds for the most part. Depends on his mood. Haha! He can count as high as he wants as long as he gets periodic help to determine the next number in the tens place. What we are working on now is cutting. We are still determining his dominant hand so this is something we aren't pushing too much but we want him to figure out. Speaking of dominant hand, we are leaning more towards him being right handed now. He does most things right at this point with the exception of eating usually. We are letting him decide, of course, so we will see soon enough.

... is officially a baller! He is on his first ever baseball team! He is taking to it like a duck to water. He started t-ball a couple months back and literally knew nothing about it. He is now throwing fairly well and can bat off a tee with ease. He even hits the coach pitch sometimes (and is getting better and better at that). He really enjoys t-ball too. We think he likes to have something that is just his. We had to wait for a bit until he was old enough to play, but as of right now, we can see this being something he is interested in for a while. He likes all his teammates and looks so at home on the field. He is also mega adorable in his uniform so it's a win all around. We are really proud of him and how well he has been doing.

... remains an outside-loving kid. He literally spends all day when he is home asking me when we are going outside to play. His favorite is still his plasma car but he also likes to practice baseball, play with the neighbors, go to parks, practice riding his bike, you get the idea. Basically anything done outside is right up his alley.

... has personality for days. Seriously. For. Days. The kids is hilarious. And he knows it. He loves to make people laugh. He is such a character and people are constantly laughing about the things he says or how to says them. How he says them is most of the hilarity.

... is super sweet. He remains our snuggly kid. He loves hugs and is super lovey. That's it. He is just so sweet and snuggly.

... STILL wakes up at least once a night. At this point it is usually because he wants his covers put back on correctly as he has difficulty doing it himself (or so he says). He also has night terrors fairly frequently. They typically last anywhere from 5 to about 20 minutes and range from him just sitting in bed and screaming and crying to him wandering around his room. He actually left his room the other night and we found him screaming in the bathroom. They are sad and scary for us, but he doesn't remember them the next day. The worst part is that you have to just sit back and wait him out. You can't wake him up from them. So we have to let them play out.

... is FINALLY night time potty trained. It was rough because K was so easy when it came to all things potty training and she night time trained before 3.5.... but we have learned that all kiddos are very, very different. He wasn't ready developmentally until recently but he pretty much has it now. He does still have the occasional accident (another weird thing for us because K has literally had 2 in her entire life since night time training), but we make it work. At least we aren't buying any pull ups anymore.

... wants to do anything his big sister is doing. Mainly just to be in her way and annoy her at this point, I think. He loves her to the moon and back... but he also loves to irritate her. And he is so very good at it. So good.

Will is such an amazing little man. We are so happy we were chosen to be his parents. Can't wait to see what the next six months brings.


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