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Tackling Another 10K - Winter Park Road Race Recap

Well, last Saturday we did it again. Almost a full year after our last 10K, we took on our second one. And this one we did with far less training. Last year we were both doing so well in our training, but this year... not as much. I think both of us topped out at 3.5 to 4 miles over the last month or so leading up to this race. That was for a few reasons. One was timing. It felt like with Steven's work schedule and him traveling so much combined with all we had going on as a family and some things I had going on over the last month that we just couldn't find time to run more than that. It's hard to train for longer distances when there are two of you and you have small children that can't stay home alone and are too big (and way too heavy) to push in a double (not even a jogging) stroller for any exceptionally long distances. Also, we have both been dealing with some aches and pains over the last month or so. They aren't enough to sideline us entirely, but they do slow us down some and we didn't want to overdo it. We both knew that we could go out at any time and finish 6.2 miles. While we may not be as fast as we would like with less training but we could do the distance with no issue. So... we hit up the Winter Park Road Race 10k on Saturday.

This was the final race of the Track Shack season. With this, the running series ended and we were a bit annoyed that we never did sign up to be Fanatics as we technically ran every race in the series. We never did it though because there was the 5k in January that we weren't sure we would be able to run. We made it there, but by then it was too late to sign up to be Fanatics. Oh well. Back to the 10k though, this race was one we really wanted to do last year but it was just too much to add on last year for us with us already planning a few races around it and our Star Wars Dark Side 10k a month away. So, this year it was a no brainer.

The race is a 6.2 mile course through Winter Park. One plus is all the pretty houses you get to pass that keep you busy for a while combined with tree lined roads a lot of the course that keep you cool. The downfall? Cobblestone streets. I think more than 50% of the course was on cobblestone. Or at least it seemed that way.

We got to the start of the race an hour before the 10k was set to start. There was a 2 mile first though for those people wanting a shorter race or those wanting to do the Distance Dare. Apparently that hindered parking though because it took us a while to find a spot. We finally ended up with street parking but we really lucked out in that. We got our shoes changed, bibs on, and headed over to the starting line. It was fairly chilly that morning so we didn't want to be outside too long before we started running but a potty break was a necessity before setting off for 6.2 miles. The cooler weather though ended up being pretty great overall as we were both warmer once we started running.

We lined up with the 10+ minute pacing group (as  we usually do) and waited for the horn to sound. This race had a delayed race walker start so that was good. It meant that everyone around you started by running so you didn't have to weave quite as much at the beginning. There were a LOT of people though so it was still pretty crowded. Almost 3,000 people to be exact. We kept to a fairly steady pace for the first mile despite needing to do some weaving. Steven always ends up just a few feet ahead of me when we hit running intervals so I just do my best to keep up. We ran the entire first mile. Steven almost tripped just once on the cobblestone. I saw him ahead of me pitch forward all of a sudden and I shuddered thinking he may go down, but it wasn't bad and he recovered easily. It's one of my biggest fears to fall during a race. We ran the entire first mile before switching to doing some random walking over the next 5 miles. When I run alone, I often use set intervals but Steven prefers to run by feel so when we race together, I do the same. A lot of the time, Steven is the one encouraging me. He is faster so I think I wear out a bit easier because I am often keeping to a slightly faster pace when we run than I may if I were alone. He is slowing for me though so he can often go quite a bit farther. I admit, I'm usually the one asking for a walking break during races. We hit the first water stop at about 2.25 miles and walked through the stop before continuing on our intervals. At about 4 miles, the course decided to take a sudden uphill turn. A girl running next to me actually uttered, "You have GOT to be kidding me."  And I agreed. I think everyone around us was walking up that hill. It was a serious hill. I just remember thinking that it was just cruel to put one that steep that far into the course. We had been going up and down small inclines the entire way but that hill wasn't just "slight". We run in Florida... we aren't usually as prepared for those types of hills. We made it though and ran as soon as we crested the hill. One major issue for me with the hill was that I had been battling a side stitch since about mile 2.5 which would go away during walking intervals but that interval was more demanding than normal so it just got a bit worse. Thankfully it subsided during our next walking interval. It was coming and going for a lot of our run. At about mile 5 I had this idea that we may set a new Personal Record (PR) for a 10k race. I knew that in our last 10k (and only so far) we averaged a 12:55 pace. At this point, our average pace per mile were hanging out either below or right about that time so I knew our average pace was on point to help us set a new PR. I didn't say anything though really. I didn't want to jinx us. I knew we really had to finish in about 1:20 or so. Most of our runs end up being longer than the course should be just because we don't run tangents though so I was more watching pace. Then in the final mile or so... I hit a proverbial wall. I tried to get Steven to run ahead and meet me at the end, but he refused. Thankfully because without him, I probably would have given up hope of that PR. He kept encouraging me and I ran what I could, but my running intervals were slacking. Finally, we made the final turn and could see the finish line. It seemed like a mile away. It was probably about .2 mile... but it seemed so much farther. I had to do one final walking break but I tried to make it quick and then we both ran to the finish line.

Final pace?? 12:48!!!!!  A new race PR. Steven refused to count it as a PR because he had plenty of faster training runs. I had one that was faster but I'm counting it as a PR for a race. I'll take it.

Our average pace throughout this run were fairly consistent overall so I was pretty happy with that. Especially with how much we walked toward the end. That final mile was rough and our slowest overall... but we made it.

We wandered through the finishers chute, collected our medals, water bottles, and Track Shack bag with pint glass in it. Then we went over to the after party. We decided to wait in the quite long line to take a photo with the 10k banner. We often don't wait for the specific race one when the line is so long, but we wanted this one.

After that we picked up some donuts and then went in search of the PR bell. I insisted that I needed to ring it. And Steven let me have my fun even though he probably thought I was crazy. =)

We then went over to the beer tent. I know beer is supposed to be good following a race... but I tried it, and I still don't like it. Now, hand me a Malibu and Pineapple after a race and I will be back every year. So far we haven't started doing that though. So, beer it is. Steven drank most of his but on an empty stomach and following a 10k race, he started feeling a bit woozy, I think. I only drank a bit and dumped the rest. One day I'm going to learn that even after a run, I don't want beer.

This race was actually really great. I enjoyed the course (minus the hill from hell) and really love that Steven decided to stay with me. This year we did every run in the series together. For us, it is often more about finishing another race and less about worrying about our times which is part of why he sticks with me. Plus, we got into this running thing mostly together so it is fun to stay together and enjoy the races as a couple. Besides... 6.2 miles is a long time to suffer by yourself. This race also has what is probably my favorite medal to date. The only one I may like more is my first Iron Girl but that is mainly because it was my first real race so it holds a special place in my heart. This one though is gorgeous. The shirt is my favorite so far too. I'm not as big on the mesh style, but I love the shirt itself. Also... PR! So really, what's not to love?

So with that... we close out the season. We are all ready for our next few races though. In just a week and a half, I will make my third trip to Clearwater for Iron Girl. I haven't been training as much this year so I know I won't PR. Last year's visit to Clearwater actually holds my 5k PR at just over 37 minutes. I have a new goal this year. I want to run all the way up that ridiculous bridge. At least the first time over it. Steven was supposed to run the IOA Corporate 5k again this year with his office, but he ended up having to schedule a trip to Cooper City the week of the race so he won't be able to run it. I'm sure he will run 3.1 miles but it won't be at the 5k. =(  Then, our next race scheduled together is the Bridge of Lions 5k in July. We are super excited for this race. We love St. Augustine and the Bridge of Lions is so cool. We are excited to get to run it. And Steven will get to experience the craziness of a bridge in the middle of a run. The bonus to this race is that it is point-to-point so we only do the bridge once. Unlike Iron Girl that is an out-and-back so you do it twice. We are also still planning on doing the Watermelon 5k again this year but I will likely push the kids in the stroller so I figure Steven will run and meet us at the end. I'm sure the kids will want to do the kids' races too. It will be Kenzie's return to her first kids' race so I'm sure she will think that is pretty cool.

It was a pretty awesome race season. We are already looking forward to next season.


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