Kenzie officially closed out her Fall/Winter dance season last week and Steven and I have been talking a lot about the changes in her skills since she started dance back in February of this year.
It really is something to think that this little girl that couldn't even skip yet when she started (she galloped and it was quite funny) is now able to not only handle most dance moves you throw at her although some look a bit more clumsy, but she can also name a ton of them and do them for us anytime we ask. The same girl that could barely remember her recital dance in June did most of her Christmas dance without needing to look at her teachers.
She still loves every minute of it and we are so glad that she found something she is so interested in. She is constantly asking us if it is dance day or when dance day is coming around. She is sad that she won't have dance for a few weeks through the holidays. She is constantly showing us her dances and making up new ones that actually use real dance moves now instead of only spinning in circles and shaking her body around. She randomly will throw a releve into a dance before announcing that she is going to plie, tendu, or shuffle step. Note: I'm learning all sorts of new dance terminology too. Haha!
I wanted to make sure we documented this because I want to look back in a few years (whether she still dances or not) and be able to see the progress she made and how much she loved dancing.
Here is her Christmas dance from this year. I can't wait to see what the new year brings for her.
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