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I'm Thankful For...

Today people across the country will sit down at tables with family and friends and many will reflect on the things they are thankful for. Our family talks some about this every year when we sit around our dinner table. The thing we are always most thankful for is our family, most of whom are sitting there at that table with us. We wish we could be together with everyone, but distance makes that difficult. There are other things  to be thankful for too though and in the spirit of talking about things we are thankful for, we had our family participate in something new this year and we wanted to share it.

This year, before Thanksgiving, I asked everyone coming to dinner to send me something they are thankful for. The only parameters were that they couldn't say "family" because we knew that would be the number one on everyone's list if we didn't ask everyone to give us something other than that. The other rules were that it had to be PG (If you haven't met some of my family, you may not understand this... but it was a necessary rule) and to keep it somewhat short and sweet.

Here is what everyone came up with:

I am thankful for....

... Disney!! - Will (Seriously. If you ask him, he usually yells this in return. It's hilarious. True Disney kid.)

... All of my friends at school because I get to play with them. - Kenzie (I feel I should note that she said "family" first and it was super adorable.)

... My job so that I may provide for Danielle and myself. - Uncle Rick

... The ability to get around on my own. The "ability of mobility." - Aunt Danielle (I think she just coined a fun new phrase.)

... The opportunity to stay home with our children. To be there for the "firsts", little moments, big moments, and everything in between. - Mommy

... The ability to perform at a job that allows me to provide financially for my entire family so that my wife can stay home with our children. - Daddy

... God giving me the will and stamina to overcome the obstacles in my life. I may not have everything I want, but I have been blessed with more than I need. He gives me the strength and love, and I am thankful that He has never given up on me. - Nana

... The means, time, and ability to travel to different countries of the world, and observe other cultures and their customs, language, and heritage. - Grandaddy

... Our big, wide world and the beauty and wonder that surround us. It would all be nothing without having my life partner to explore it with me. - Grandma (Grandma managed to sneak "family" in there sort of but we will let her get away with it.)

... Gus! A loyal companion, faithful friend... as long as he is not attacking my feet. He follows me everywhere, makes me laugh, makes me yell. We even share our food... correction: MY food, not his!! - Papa (Gus is their dog and a big lovable oaf.)

We all have so much to be thankful for.  =)


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