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Let Freedom Ring

Happy birthday, America! This weekend was Fourth of July weekend. This is always a busy time in our home as it starts the month of July and my birthday falls just a couple days prior to the fourth.

This year we were go, go, go for a lot of the weekend. My birthday was Thursday. Steven ended up working really early to really late Monday through Wednesday so he was luckily able to take the day off on Thursday. My birthday started much earlier than I think I would have preferred though. I think Will decided that he HAD to be the first to wish me a happy birthday so he took it upon himself to wake up at 12:08am (his sleep has been more iffy than usual lately). He did end up doing me a favor though and after waking up just before 6am to nurse he slept until 8am. We call that sleeping in around here. I was woken up just before 8am by an adorable little blond haired, blue eyed girl wishing me a happy birthday along with her daddy. Those are the moments that make my day. We all hung out in bed while I fed Will and snuggled for a bit before getting up and going to Chick Fil A for breakfast. We live large around here. Then we had to do our weekly grocery shopping and come home and clean a bit. Mommy life doesn't stop for birthdays. =) We spent the afternoon in Lowe's. We have decided to add backsplash to our walls in the kitchen as well as knobs and handles to our cabinets and drawers. We spent about an hour checking out the backsplash and finally chose one. We bought one "sheet" thing of it and we brought it home to make sure we were serious about it. We LOVE it. I can't wait to get it taken care of. Anyway, we also went to Hobby Lobby and then eventually went to dinner. I chose Sonny's. Like I said... living large. It was what I wanted though, so we did it. Once home we got the kids bathed and ready for bed and then spent the evening just relaxing and watching TV together. I enjoy our times like this because we don't get them as often as I would like between being parents to two young children and Steven's job.

On Friday we ended up sleeping in again. 7:30! Woohoo! I will take it. Once we got up and moving we headed out to my parents' house. First, Kenzie had to pack her backpack apparently. We had to repack it for her. Apparently it was a requirement that she bring every instrument she owns. We think she thought we were all going to sit around and play instruments and sing all afternoon.

The drive was uneventful. We made it a bit before we had to leave for lunch. We went to Corky Bells for lunch with my parents, brother and his fiance, and Steven's parents. I love that our parents live close enough together that we can all meet for things like birthday celebrations. It was a really nice time.

After lunch we headed back to my parents' house to hang out for the remainder of the afternoon. Kenzie loved throwing the ball and frisbee to Gus and we played at the house. We have noticed that Will is getting much, much better with the separation anxiety. It's like a switch went off in his head and we ended up having a great afternoon because I didn't need to be on top of him at all times.

We picked up pizza for dinner and had birthday cake. It was all quite yummy.

We drove home after dinner and had both kids in bed by 9pm.

Saturday was another day to sleep in. And we did. Sort of. I think the kids were both up around 7:15 so we were batting 1,000 with sleep this weekend. Seriously. I enjoyed sleeping until at least 7 every day. I haven't done that in quite some time. After breakfast we went over to Lowe's to put in the order for our back splash. We should have someone out within the week to measure and everything and I'm really hoping we have it done by Kenzie's birthday party.

We spent most of the day just lounging around the house after that before getting ready to head downtown for the fireworks and other festivities. Taking our annual 4th of July pictures is getting more and more difficult. This year Kenzie was sort of crazy and when I tried to take a picture of the kids alone I had to take about 30 because Will kept spinning around to face the wall so he could beat on it. He must always have a beat in his head or something. Haha! We ended up with a few really cute ones though.

We left pretty early this year to head downtown. Luckily, both kids fell asleep in the car within 10 minutes of leaving the house so we were hoping that those catnaps would allow them to function well enough to actually make the fireworks. The festivities began at 4pm and we were right on time. We ended up walking around the lake the opposite way of where we wanted to go (on purpose) to kill some time. We eventually went over to Anthony's to eat dinner. Will was quite serious at dinner. He was very serious about his food or something. He did flirt with most of the ladies that walked by him and said hello though. He knows his audience.

After dinner we went over to the K92FM area. They fence off this large field every year and play music. They also have a live band usually and the big area isn't really crowded so Kenzie is able to run around like a crazy person... which she did. Will also had a grand old time. He scooted around, waved to a few people, clapped along with the music and practiced his pulling up and standing alone skills (he actually stood for about 2-3 seconds on his own without falling over. I was impressed.) Kenzie LOVES live music. As soon as it started she sat right down and clapped along. The rest of the time she ran around like a chicken with its head cut off (I'm from Mississippi originally.... that entitles me to use random phrases like that).

We were a bit worried about the possibility of rain. It was starting to look pretty bad, but it ended up circling us and never actually rained on us. Thank goodness. That would have put quite the damper on the evening. We ended up walking back towards Steven's office about an hour before the fireworks were set to start and found an awesome spot next to the building next to his. We were initially going to watch the fireworks from his office, but his office has moved since last year and the only good spot is a tiny conference room so we decided to tough it out with the masses outside. I'm glad we did. Will ended up taking another nap and Kenzie and I stood in line to get Jeremiah's for about 30 minutes. After about 20 minutes of waiting, Kenzie informed me she had to potty. Sorry, kid. We were committed. I was getting Italian ice. She made it though and we all enjoyed our Italian ice. The kids did great waiting for the fireworks and once they started, both kids were enamored. Kenzie kept telling us "That's my favorite! That's my favorite! The green is my favorite!" Apparently, they are all her "favorites." Will just sat and stared. We were a bit afraid he would be scared but he was obviously unbothered and I think he actually liked all the lights. The Fourth of July... a day that Americans come together to eat fried butter and blow things up. (I wish I was kidding about the butter... we were seriously sitting behind a vendor that sold fried butter... Ew.)

We ended up making it out of the parking garage fairly easily. Unfortunately at this point, Will was DONE. He cried for a bit as we were leaving but as it turns out, our family 3 part harmony is coming along quite nicely and we were able to sing him to sleep. Once home we got the kids in bed. They both rolled around a while, but went to sleep fairly easily. So... success! We were considering not going earlier in the day, but I'm so glad we did.

The rest of the weekend will keep us busy. Steven has yard work and I have a few errands. We have had an awesome holiday weekend though.

Happy Fourth of July, everyone. We seriously live in the greatest country on Earth and I am so proud to be an American.


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