Size: Lemon
How far
along: 14 Weeks
weight gain: 2 lbs and I am still okay with that.
Sleep: Pretty
good. I can’t complain at this point. We were out of town last week so it
wasn’t as good being that we weren’t home and in our own comfy bed, but overall
it has been pretty good.
Clothes: Finally broke out the maternity shirts. Just one at this
point and mainly so that my stomach wouldn’t stick out.
cravings: Nothing really. I’m pretty boring when it comes to this. I was
last time too…
aversions: Nothing other than those dumb burritos at this point.
I HAVE: I’m feeling pretty good. Still some random
nausea and I still get tired some afternoons. Exhausted, actually. Other than
that though, it’s pretty good.
Stretchmarks: Still
no new ones. The old ones are really light. I did notice that my c-section scar
has been really dark this past week. I have no idea why.
Appointment: May 5th. Still
waiting to hear on the Panorama.
Movement: Yep! I
had “quickening” this week. I remember it very clearly from Kenzie. Though I
didn’t get it with her until closer to 18 weeks. I have heard it can be really
early with subsequent pregnancies and that is definitely what it was based on
feeling and location. Baby is still really low despite my uterus expanding and
beginning to move out of my pelvis. Excited to get actual kicks and jabs soon.
That was always one of my favorite things when pregnant with Kenzie.
Button (In or Out): In.
Ring (On or Off): On.
Signs: Nope.
Gender: Should know if the Panorama worked soon and looking
to schedule the gender reveal for late May.
or Moody Most of the Time: Happy.
Best moment of the week: Meeting
our niece, Evie. She is just precious. I loved snuggling her this weekend.
Reminded me of newborn Kenzie. I can’t wait to have another snuggly baby in the
house. Kenzie is NOT a snuggler at this point. Though she did want to snuggle
some while I was holding Evie. If having a newborn gets me double snuggles, I
am all for it. =)
I’m looking forward to: Getting
started on Gender Reveal party planning with Momma soon.
What I
miss: I really wanted a glass of wine this weekend
at Easter dinner. Mom Y had a merlot and I soooo wanted some.
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