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13 Weeks and Counting

Baby’s Size: Peach
How far along: 13 Weeks
Total weight gain: Still hanging on to that 2 pounds from the cruise. That’s okay. As long as it doesn’t go up too much for a bit longer. I’m still on track with how I did with Kenzie and that ended up totaling 27 lbs when she was delivered at 37 weeks so I am just hoping/trying to stay under 30 again. My doctor would be happy with that.
Sleep: Pretty good lately. I have been so tired at the end of the day that I don’t have any trouble falling asleep and I definitely haven’t been having any trouble staying asleep. I am trying to make sure to relish this because I know that soon enough I will hit the uncomfortable stage in pregnancy where in order to roll from one side to the other I have to physically sit up and lay back down. Then after that comes a newborn stage again. Kenzie has been doing really well at night too so that helps. She makes little noises every morning around 2am but usually settles back to sleep herself.    
Maternity Clothes: Still no maternity shirts but I’m worried I might have to break out a few soon. Not because my belly is big enough to warrant them yet but rather because my belly is just big enough to not be able to wear some of my normal shirts because they aren’t long enough. Thank goodness for the few long tank tops I have. I think those are going to be my saviors this time around. I bought a new pair of shorts today.  I have realized that because I am not out in the workforce this time that I don’t have a lot of clothes that are appropriate for chasing around a toddler every day. I don’t think wearing dress pants is necessary to appease my current boss.
Food cravings: Not too much. I have had that weird obsession with pickles off and on this pregnancy. No, I don’t mix them with ice cream. As a matter of a fact, I rarely crave ice cream so I’m good there. I think it is the salt but I have to be very careful because of my prior blood pressure issues. I do indulge in a pickle or two (they aren’t very big) a night but that is about it.   
Food aversions: Not a whole lot. Those poor burritos are still sitting in my freezer. I can’t even look at them. Other than that though…  nothing really.     
Symptoms I HAVE: Today I managed to not keep my breakfast down. Other than that, I have been a bit nauseus some this past week or so but it was really manageable and didn’t really slow me down. I know I am at the tail end of it so I will take it. I have also been having some round ligament pain. Early this time. I don’t remember having it with Kenzie until closer to about 17 or so weeks but I don’t know if it is common to have it earlier in subsequent pregnancies. Also, still tired. I don’t think that will ever change though. I know this second trimester is supposed to be the “honeymoon” trimester but I think that chasing around a very active toddler all day, every day is not going to help my energy level.
Stretchmarks: No new ones. My stomach has been itching some so I am trying so hard to not scratch it. Lotions do nothing for me but I think not scratching as much this time might help. I hope so at least. I have heard that stretch marks are somewhat genetic but I don’t know that my mom had them. (She also never had morning sickness so we can see how much like her I must be…)
Doctor’s Appointment:  Our next one is on May 5. I am waiting to hear sometime in the next week or so the results of the panorama.
Movement: Not yet.
Belly Button (In or Out): In.
Wedding Ring (On or Off): On.
Labor Signs: None.
Gender: The panorama results should tell us. We aren’t finding out though. A friend gets to know so she can get the cake made for our gender reveal party that I hope to have scheduled in late May or early June.  
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Pretty happy. I have been making a conscious effort to try to be less frustrated this week and I think it is doing both Kenzie and me a world of good. I have felt happier and I think it is affecting Kenzie positively as well. Not that she was ever a problem but my frustration didn’t help her behavior at all.    
Best moment of the week: Getting back in to a normal routine (to a point). I crave order and routine so I am glad we are working our way back there… until Friday at least (see “What I’m looking forward to” for why)
What I’m looking forward to: Finally getting to meet my beautiful and amazing NIECE!!! We are leaving Friday to go to Atlanta to see Julie and Eric and meet baby Evie. While I don’t look forward to the drive (8 hours with a toddler that likes to go, go, go), I cannot wait to see Julie, Eric, and EVIE. I’m so very excited.

What I miss: Not a whole lot at the moment. I’m pretty content. =)


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