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Showing posts from April, 2014

15 Weeks Pregnant. Our Little Florida Orange.

Baby’s Size: Navel Orange (our little second Florida baby) How far along:  15 Weeks Total weight gain: 3 pounds. I have been trying to recall how I did exactly with Kenzie. I think that at 12 weeks I was down a pound. The morning sickness started later and therefore lasted until later with her so that is likely part of the reason behind that. At 16 weeks I believe I was up by 4 pounds so I am tracking right along with how I was with her.  Sleep:  Good. I have been wanting to have naps in the afternoon again. I remembered renewed energy around this time with Kenzie but I guess that chasing after an almost 2 year old is taking it out of me this time. Last time I was working but while my job could be stressful, it wasn’t all that tiring for me.  Maternity Clothes:  Yep. Almost full time. My shirts were just getting too short. It was getting annoying and it was to the point that either my stomach would poke out or the bands on my pants (I have a lot...

14 Weeks... Welcome to the Second Trimester!

Baby’s Size: Lemon How far along:  14 Weeks Total weight gain: 2 lbs and I am still okay with that. Sleep:  Pretty good. I can’t complain at this point. We were out of town last week so it wasn’t as good being that we weren’t home and in our own comfy bed, but overall it has been pretty good. Maternity Clothes:  Finally broke out the maternity shirts. Just one at this point and mainly so that my stomach wouldn’t stick out.  Food cravings:  Nothing really. I’m pretty boring when it comes to this. I was last time too…    Food aversions: Nothing other than those dumb burritos at this point.      Symptoms I HAVE: I’m feeling pretty good. Still some random nausea and I still get tired some afternoons. Exhausted, actually. Other than that though, it’s pretty good. Stretchmarks:  Still no new ones. The old ones are really light. I did notice that my c-section scar has been really dark this past we...

13 Weeks and Counting

Baby’s Size: Peach How far along:  13 Weeks Total weight gain: Still hanging on to that 2 pounds from the cruise. That’s okay. As long as it doesn’t go up too much for a bit longer. I’m still on track with how I did with Kenzie and that ended up totaling 27 lbs when she was delivered at 37 weeks so I am just hoping/trying to stay under 30 again. My doctor would be happy with that. Sleep:  Pretty good lately. I have been so tired at the end of the day that I don’t have any trouble falling asleep and I definitely haven’t been having any trouble staying asleep. I am trying to make sure to relish this because I know that soon enough I will hit the uncomfortable stage in pregnancy where in order to roll from one side to the other I have to physically sit up and lay back down. Then after that comes a newborn stage again. Kenzie has been doing really well at night too so that helps. She makes little noises every morning around 2am but usually settles back to sleep herse...

12 Weeks with Baby #2

Baby’s Size:  Plum How far along:  12 Weeks Total weight gain:  Two pounds. Eek! I’m actually not worried. One, because it would be normal to gain this weight at this point and two… because I think it is actually not a true 2 pounds yet. We just got back from our cruise and I expect to either stay here for quite some time (based on how I did with Kenzie) and the fact that now I will get back to my normal activities such as chasing Kenzie around and taking walks. Sleep:  It’s okay I guess. Off and on, good and bad. Depends on the day.    Maternity Clothes:  I’m pretty much fully on maternity bottoms now or yoga pants. Still no maternity tops. They would all be too big at this point. Food cravings:  Nothing major right now.   Food aversions:  Luckily, with my morning sickness starting to dissipate I am having less aversions.     Symptoms I HAVE:  Off and on morning sickness, though the ...