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Double Digits! 10 Months Old Today!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013
10 Months Old

Dear Mackenzie,

Happy 10 Month Smiley Girl! Oh my goodness! Let the “how is my baby almost 1” meltdown commence!! Seriously, how has time flown by this fast?!? I am loving every minute with you though. Your happy go lucky personality is seriously adorable. You smile so often. I did a picture a day thing on Facebook this month that focused on pictures of you and one day was titled “Grumpy Face”. I seriously had to search to find a picture that was even close to showing some sort of grumpy face from you. They happen so very rarely.

This month has flown by. Just yesterday it seems we were going to your 9 month appointment. You weighed in at a whopping 18 lbs, 5 oz (40th percentile) and measured 27 ¾ inches (60th percentile). The pediatrician decided that you were tall, skinny, and smart (you have a big head as well… 75th percentile). We will take it! You eat like a little piggy. As this month has gone on, we have changed from you nursing 5 times a day (6 if you happen to wake up once at night though those nights are few and far between these days) to 4 times a day. I noticed that you were snacking for less than 2 minutes total at one of your nursing sessions in the past few weeks so we just went ahead and dropped it. Your other nursing sessions have gotten a bit longer but you seem perfectly content. You also eat three times a day. You always have oatmeal and applesauce in the morning. Lunch is usually some sort of finger food. You especially love little pieces of cheese. You also sometimes have banana, avocado, cheerios, or peas and carrots. At dinner time you usually have some sort of veggie and/or starch mixed in with some chicken or pork as well as a veggie. You are getting better at chunkier foods for sure. At the beginning of the month you constantly wanted to feed yourself. That has changed in the last two weeks or so and you are perfectly content with me feeding you again for dinner. You definitely love finger foods though. One of your favorites is when we have spaghetti and turkey meatballs because you get some sort of pasta and cut up meatballs with a tiny bit of sauce to feed yourself. Definitely like your pasta… just like me. You have tried so many foods now that I don’t think I could name them all even if I tried. You have loved (or at least tolerated) every one of them as well. You are definitely not a picky eater. You also love water (also like me). We have to just offer you a bit at a time though. I’m fairly certain if we left you with a cup of water you would drown before you decided you had enough. I can give you water right after you nurse and you would still drink it all even though you aren’t really thirsty.

You have also started to develop some pretty cool skills this month. You pull up on EVERYTHING now and love to cruise the furniture. You often hold on to whatever you are standing near with just one hand and play with a toy or something with your other hand. The other day you bent down to pick up a toy and stood back up without falling back on your bottom. I got super excited and clapped for you, which startled you, and you ended up falling anyway. You got right back up though. It didn’t phase you. You can also stand for a split second on your own before falling back on your bottom. It doesn’t stop you though. You stand right back up. Daddy and I were talking the other day how different it is. You used to just lay on your back and play. Now you rarely lay down. You are either sitting or standing and playing. With your new found movement skills we are also dealing with teaching you what you can play with and what you can’t. We really try to avoid saying “no” unless you are doing something that could seriously hurt you (like you enjoy playing near the oven for some reason). We often tell you something is “off limits” and move you to another part of the room or redirect you with something more appropriate. You seem to be getting it… sort of. You look at us when we tell you “off limits” and sometimes move away without us having to get involved. Sometimes you get this little glint in your eye and do whatever it is you wanted to do anyway. You are especially obsessed with Jack’s bowls. I don’t think he appreciates that but he isn’t territorial thankfully.

You have also learned to put objects inside of other objects. You have this adorable helicopter that you are supposed to put these balls in through the top and it talks to you. You have finally learned how to put the balls in and push them through the hole. Sometimes you miss when you try to put the ball in, but you have the idea down. You also will put your blocks into a container if I use gestures to get you to do it. You aren’t yet doing it with just a voice command but I’m sure you will have that soon. You just learned how to “talk” on your toy phone earlier this week. It is really cute. We “call” Daddy at work sometimes and you now hold the phone up to your ear and just grin. You also waved bye bye a couple times this month. You aren’t doing it consistently. Most of the time you are too focused on something else but you have done it. You also sometimes say “bye bye” after us if we are trying to get you to wave and we keep saying it. Speaking of your talking… you are doing it a ton. You repeat a lot of things after us. You have also definitely figured out “ma” and “da” for us. You sometimes use them interchangeably, which isn’t odd but you know that they are us. During the day you will sometimes ask me about “da” with this inflection that makes me think you are asking when Daddy will be home. You also still call Jack sometimes. At times we are fairly certain that you are telling us yes or no as well. I’m not 100% sure if you are purposely saying those or if you just have sounds that tend to come out at the appropriate times. You also say “hi” sometimes to us. It is really cute to listen to you talk. To think that I was really starting to worry about your lack of babbling just a couple of months ago... I was even convinced you had hearing issues at some point. One of my favorite moments this month was when we were sitting outside on the back porch waiting on Jack to finish messing around outside and we were talking about the birds. You started repeating “bird” after me. It sounds more like “bir” but it was obvious what you were doing.

This month we started visiting the pool a lot. You LOVE the water. We got you a float to hang out in and you will spend hours in the pool if we let you. You love to splash and if we hold you, you splash constantly. You will splash the water, squint your eyes and stick your tongue out. It is really cute. We probably go to the pool 3-4 times a week and you love it every time. We have also started going out to eat a bit more. You do really well in restaurants. You eat your cheerios (and barely drop any so I don’t have to clean the floors as much before we leave) and “talk” to everyone around us. The only issue we have had as of late is that you talk really loudly. If we are in a restaurant that is quiet, it is really apparent that you are having a great time. You screech, laugh, and babble. If there is another baby nearby… forget it. You are unstoppable. You make faces at the other baby and just yell away. We went to The Willow Tree Café (a German restaurant) this month and you absolutely loved the live German band. You danced along with the music, clapped your hands, and got fussy when they took a break. You definitely have a love of music. I think I’ve mentioned before but we are hoping that between my voice and your Daddy’s ability to play and hear music so well, that you get some sort of musical ability. It seems like even if you don’t, you are still going to have a love for it. This month we also took your first trip to “Disney”. I put that in quotes because we actually only went to Disney Boardwalk because it is way too hot to actually go to Disney. You loved all the people and stuff to look at though. You did really well even though it was hot and sunny.

Louging in the pool

This month you cut five more teeth. You now have four on the bottom and four on top. You actually just cut two of your top ones this morning. You like to get teeth two at a time. That’s probably better. Less pain and drooling. We decided this month that you might have braces before you are able to wear bows. I’m not sure where your hair is hiding, but it is really good at hide and seek. I love your little bald head but putting bows in your hair (and maybe figuring out how to avoid the comments about our “little guy”… who wears a lot of pink) would be nice.

You have learned to turn the pages in your books this month as well. That is so cute. Every day we read a few books and you help me turn the pages. You still get bored about halfway through and want to try to eat the book but at least you know what to do with the turning. Every night we read Goodnight Moon before bed and you hold Chompers (your stuffed alligator that you have really taken a liking to) and help me turn the pages. It never fails though that you always grab the book and turn back to the front as if to look at the cover to remind yourself which book we are reading. Every night I inform you that it is the same one we always read but you do it anyway. It is really adorable.

Just a couple of days ago you learned to give kisses. Your kisses are so cute. You give the slobbery open mouthed baby ones. You gave one really slobbery one to Daddy yesterday. It was really cute. It was the first kiss you have given to Daddy and it was super sweet.

Your sleeping has been good this month. You are still taking two naps but we lengthened your awake time. You get up around 7:30, nap around 10 until around 11 or 11:30, nap again at 2:30 until about 4:00 and are down for bed by 8 at the latest. Most nights you sleep through the night. We did have one random night this month where you got up four times. I have no idea what was going on but you were just not having it that night. We changed your night time routine. We did this somewhat in preparation to wean you at a year knowing that your night time nursing session would go away. Now you take your bath (it can get you really worked up so we do it first still), then you nurse. After that we go out of your room to say goodnight to Daddy, then we brush your teeth, read your book, say our prayers, sing a song and lay you down. You still cry every time we lay you down. We haven’t figured out why you still do that but most days it only lasts a few minutes before you are asleep. You do it at naps and bedtime. It is irrelevant whether you are not tired enough, perfectly tired, or over tired. You do it regardless.

I still can’t believe we will have a one year old in just two months. A toddler. Seriously, that isn’t allowed. We are planning your birthday and are excited to show you off at your first birthday party soon. We aren’t having a huge party. Just family and some close friends but I think it will be fun.

As usual, I’m excited to keep watching you grow and keep watching your little personality develop. You are just such a happy baby. I love you so much baby girl!

Happy 10 Months!!



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