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Showing posts from April, 2013

9 Months In, 9 Months Out

Tuesday, April 30, 2013 9 Months Old Dear Mackenzie, Happy 9 months Smiley Girl! I can’t believe we have hit the “9 months in, 9 months out” point! You are such a big girl. Your Daddy and I talk all the time about how just a few short months ago you were so different and you have such a little personality now. There is so much I want to tell you about your last month. You have learned all sorts of new things and it is like night and day between this time last month and now. We haven’t gone for your 9 month appointment yet (it’s on Thursday) so I’m unsure how much you weigh and how long you are. I do know you are likely above 17 lbs. I know that because you had your first “sickness” this month. It wasn’t a traditional sickness though. Our entire family (including Nana, Papa, Grandma, Grandaddy and Uncle Rick) got a terrible cold. People had it diagnosed as everything from the flu and upper respiratory infection to bronchitis. I think I was patient zero which likely served you well. Due ...

Kenzie's Birth Story... Revisited

A week ago today, Kenzie was officially the same age out as she was when she was born. Yeah, in my head that makes sense. Kenzie was born at 37 weeks, 1 day. Last Tuesday she turned 37 weeks, 1 day old. In honor of that I wanted to repost her birth story. This was never posted on this blog as it was not in existence when she was born and therefore it wasn't really shared. I figured now was as good a time as any to share. =) So much has changed since July 30, 2012. We are quickly approaching her 9 month birthday and I can't believe how much she has grown in just a few short months. Our 7 lbs 6 oz (breech... my goodness check out those legs) bundle of joy and our very happy almost 9 month old Happy Birth Day Mackenzie! Trust me though, when I got up this morning, that is the last thing I expected to be saying. Let me back up a bit first though. As you may remember from my last post… Friday I had my usual weekly appointment. We found out then that my blood pressure ...

Happy Hoppy Easter!

This Easter weekend was a lot of fun. We started our weekend out by going to Good Friday communion at church. This was our first time doing this and it was a really great night of worship and communion. Kenzie even sat through the entire thing. It was only about 45 minutes long but when you consider that it started at 6pm (an hour before bedtime) that was quite an accomplishment. Saturday we decided to dye eggs with Kenzie. This year that really just involved us dying the eggs and letting her watch and look at them. Next year she should be able to participate more.  Easter Sunday we started our day by getting dressed up (sort of) for church. Our church isn't one that most people wear suits or anything. Nana and Uncle Rick came to church with us. Papa was supposed to come, but he was not feeling well. I think we gave him whatever this sickness is that we are passing around our house. Before leaving for church, Kenzie got to see what the E...