This is 6! Today Will is officially a 6-year-old. It’s been 6 years since he entered the world and made our little family complete. Here are some fun facts about Will at 6… Will is now officially a “big kid” and in kindergarten. He is so excited to be in the same school as his big sister and to be a big kid going to kindergarten. He soaks up everything he is taught like a freaking sponge. Will is officially a member of Yili at school and thinks this is the coolest thing. He was so excited to get a house this year like Kenzie. He started the year in virtual (as did every OCPS student) and did fairly well, but he definitely likes being face to face. He is obsessed with learning to read. He has a crazy mastery of phonemic awareness and phonics and one of his favorite games to play is to ask us to give him a word to try to spell. He also randomly tells us words he can spell without help. He has picked up all the sight words taught to him so far like it is going out of style and he can deco...
Today Kenzie is EIGHT! It's so crazy. We have an 8 year old. Only two years away from double digits. A third grader. A girl that is quickly becoming a preteen. There is only a year left (technically) until that is officially the stage we are in. Though I have to say... she acts more and more like an actual preteen every day of her life. She's too much. We often joke that she is 8 going on 28, but in all honesty, she is an old soul and often acts much older than her years. At 8-years-old, Kenzie... - Is still the friendliest kid I know. She loves with her whole heart. She hates to hurt anyone's feelings. The downside is that her feelings get hit hard when someone isn't nice to her. We have had to deal with that on occasion, especially in the last year when we had a run in with a girl that Kenzie thought was her friend but she ended up being not really nice to Kenzie in the long run. We learned as parents that the "mean girl" stage starts early. Kenzie...