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Showing posts from January, 2020

This is Seven... and-a-half

Today is Kenzie's half birthday! We kind of have a thing about half birthdays around here. We don't do anything major, but we like to mark their appearance because it is fun for the kids to know that they are officially halfway to their next birthday. It's a bit bittersweet for me though. As is the usual, here is a brief update on all things Kenzie. - She is still really tall. She is somewhere around 53.5 inches or so. I honestly don't know for sure. They are so hard to measure on my own. It's about 2.5 inches taller than 6 months ago so I think that could be about right. Either way, most of her height remains in her legs. - She is so amazing at math. Seriously, this kid got all her Daddy's math brains. Thankfully. Her teacher made the comment at parent teacher conference that she was so excited to see her best math student this year is a girl. She just figures out math problems super easily. She also loves it. She asks us to play math games with her o...