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Friday Favorites - Teacher Gift Edition

I haven't done a Friday Favorites post in a few weeks. We have been super busy with the end of school rolling around which is also the end of Girl Scouts (sort of - as the main things coincide with the school year) and dance is wrapping up here in the next month so other things have gotten in the way of this weekly post. BUT, I wanted to do a quick post about some teacher gifts that we put together this year because I have been asked about them. This won't be a long one but may be a fun idea for a teacher gift if you need one.

This is something I first saw a few years ago. Probably even before we had kids and I have since seen a few variations of it. We tend to go with the "Bucket of Sunshine" option, though I have seen boxes and bags as an option. We like buckets because sand buckets are super common around here. Especially in the summer. The idea is basically this... grab a yellow bucket. Fill it with yellow items. Write a personalized thank you note. Give teachers a Bucket of Sunshine. =)

Here is an idea of what we included this year:

We found yellow summery cups because everyone needs a fun cup for the summer. We were excited to find notebooks in yellow this year. Kenzie LOVES notesbooks so she loved that these were included. Gum, candy, and snacks are always fun. Since these are for teachers (and really anyone could use them) we include wet ones. One year we included lysol wipes but that was more as a tongue in cheek thing as it was for the kids' swimming instructor and Kenzie used to gag and spit up water sometimes during her lesson which then involved us needing to use a lot of her lysol wipes to clean up areas around her pool. we like Wet Ones better though as a whole. I always have a canister nearby and we use them in restaurants and Disney all the time. We included lemonade mix in packets because those are easy and fun on the go. This year we happened to find these super cute chalkboards on accident one day and couldn't leave them in the store.

Like I said, we have done these a few times. We did them for Kenzie's teachers in 3-Year-Olds, the kids' swimming teacher after their first year (her swimming school is Sunny Days so it was perfect), and now the kids' teachers this year. It's a fun idea and the kids love putting them together. The hardest part is driving around town finding ideas for things to put in the buckets that are yellow. Sometimes we really want to include something, but we can't find it in yellow so we have to go back to the drawing board. And sometimes we find a fun extra that happens to be yellow (like the little lemon chalkboard) to throw in.

Hope this gives an idea for a fun teacher gift (or really... anyone that needs a bit of sunshine in their lives).


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