I remember writing a similar post to this last year. (Anyone interested can read it HERE ) Kenzie had been in school for about a month and we were all settling into our normal, everyday routine after adjusting to such a big change (even though it was only 2 days a week.) This year, it has been an even bigger adjustment but we are finally at a point that we are settled and back into our "routine" on school days. I wanted to write a similar post detailing what our days are like mainly so I can see how things have changed in the last year. This year, Kenzie is in school 4 days a week. So, she is at school more days than she isn't and our daily routine has been altered quite a bit. Not only because of school, but also because of the wants and needs of our family at the stage we are at now. School days are Tuesday through Friday now. On those days, we all get up at our normal times. Our kids are early risers and they always have been. We learned long ago that regardless...
Our life as a family of four (Plus one dog)