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Happy Half Birthday, Will!!

Dear William,

Happy half birthday! I can't believe I am writing your 6 month letter. It still seems like just yesterday you were this tiny little guy that we brought home from the hospital that slept all the time and wore such tiny clothes. Now... not so much. Haha!

I feel like I should begin by telling you that you are huge! We do not actually have your 6 month appointment until next week so my height and weight for you are only estimates again. They could be off by quite a bit, but hopefully they are fairly close to the true thing. We have you figured to be about 18.4 lbs and 28 inches. I really think we are off (too big) on the height but we will find out for sure next week. You are wearing some 9 month clothing but have moved into mostly 12 months. Depending on the brand, we have actually started packing away a few 9 month things just because they run small. I can't believe we are putting you in 12 month clothing already. You have been wearing that size for almost 2 weeks now. We also finally upped your diaper size to a size 3. Really, we could have done it a month prior but we were working on finishing up a few boxes we had and they fit okay but a few weeks ago you started leaking out of every diaper and the legs were beginning to leave red marks on you. We didn't even finish the 20 or so diapers we had left and just moved you to size 3. I really thought I would be writing this letter and telling you that you had at least one, if not more, teeth cut through... but I'm not. You are still drooling, biting, chewing, fussing randomly, and I can see the outlines of 4 bottom teeth and 2 top teeth... but you are all gums.... which is actually ridiculously adorable. I keep hoping those teeth will all erupt at once and we can get this mess over with for a while. Eventually. Until then we will keep giving  you teethers, frozen washcloths, and orajel periodically. Oh, and lots of snuggles when your teeth are obviously hurting.

That would be a 12 month outfit... And sunglasses that apparently make you
that much cooler when you put them on. You became super serious and
"cool" when I put them on you. 
Speaking of teeth (though they have no bearing on you eating since you won't have molars that do the chewing anyway for quite a while), you started solids this month! We waited until about 5 1/2 months and then introduced oatmeal mixed with breastmilk. You LOVED it. You took to it like a champ. Shortly after, we tried avocado, applesauce, banana, and sweet potatoes. You love applesauce mixed in your oatmeal as well as avocado and banana mixed. You eat about twice a day. Since you are still breastfed, if we miss a meal, we don't worry about it. You usually eat a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal mixed with an ounce of applesauce (and now I use water to thin it if necessary) in the morning and you eat about 2-3 ounces of some sort of fruit/veggie concoction in the afternoon. You definitely love to eat. That doesn't surprise me though since you have always been a bit of a nursing monster.  You still nurse about 5 times a day and a few times through the night. We are going to be introducing some soft finger food this week. I'm planning to start with avocado and banana. You also drink water periodically from your sippy. You are still working on the mechanics of that. We went straight to a straw because the regular ones aren't really great for teeth and mouth development so we figured we would just skip it. You can drink a bit out of it but we have to hold it for you most of the time. You are getting much better at holding it yourself though. If I hand it to you, you can hold it and drink out of it really easily. You just do not have the coordination to pick it up on your own yet AND get the straw to your mouth. You are definitely getting there though. You can do one or the other, but I haven't seen you do both  yet. You are still anti bottle. Honestly, I've about given up. Pretty soon you will figure out the sippy well enough and I will try to put breastmilk in it. Until then, we try bottles periodically but you do NOT like it. We've made it this far already so I'm not too worried about it at this point. Unfortunately that just means that I cannot be away from you for extended periods of time right now. Not that I don't want to spend every waking moment with you... but I don't. Sorry! I love you and your sister more than anything but I am ready for a bit of a break.

Your sleeping has been really haphazard this month. Some days you were waking 6-7 times a night and some days you wake up 3. As the month has progressed, you are waking up less and less, which I appreciate. This month we instituted a form of cry it out with me going in to you periodically to rock you and put you back down when you took naps. I had to move the nursing to sleep aspect out of it. We were having major issues with you nursing then not napping and screaming instead. It was taking me hours to get you down. You took to it really easily and after the first day you were napping like a champ. You are still taking 3 naps a day. (Sometimes you have a fourth still but that is very rare.) At least one of those naps is about 1 1/2 hours. I prefer it ends up being your middle nap because then it coincides with Kenzie's nap. That gives me some time to myself to try to get something done. At night I am still nursing you right before bed. We will not change that for a few months. Every other night you get a bath and you still love it.

Right after you turned 5 months old you started sitting up and playing with toys. You rarely fall over and when you do it usually isn't because you can't sit any longer, but just because you don't want to be sitting any longer. Your sitting ability became so strong this month that you actually ended up sitting in your first shopping cart and your first highchair at a restaurant. You do not always sit in those but you can do it, at least for a period of time. I can't believe how quickly you took to sitting. You are at least a month ahead of what I expected based on your sister, but you wanted to sit so badly so that you could play with Kenzie that I think that was your incentive for learning how to do it so quickly.

Finally, after taking about 2 months off, you have decided to start rolling tummy to back again. You did it less than 5 times a couple of months ago and then nothing. Now, you are more than willing to roll tummy to back. You are starting to tolerate tummy time a bit more now, as well. It is because you are starting to work on crawling. You can push up on your hands really high. You can pull both of your knees under you.  You just can't do those two things at the same time yet. You are definitely working on it though. Sometimes you push up high on your arms and when you try to pull your legs under you, you end up sliding backwards. Most of the time you push your legs under and inchworm yourself forward. I mentioned that I think you sat early because you wanted to play with your sister. I often find myself wondering if you will crawl later because of her, as well. Unlike Kenzie, I can't keep anything out of your reach to entice you to move forward because she just walks by and hands it to you. Haha! You can also spin in a circle while on your belly.  You also do this funny thing where you put your arms out to the side and lift you head, shoulders, feet, and knees off the floor. Looks like a crazy yoga move. Similar to the superman pose but your arms are out to the side instead of in front of you. I know it is helping you strengthen to be able to crawl. I tried to do it... and it wasn't easy. Your core muscles must be crazy strong because you can do it for a really long time. Byproduct of sitting so early maybe... As for rolling back to belly, you can do it but you do it less often.

You still love to stand with help. You obviously cannot do it alone yet and you love to stand on our laps. We can hold you by your hands only and you will stand. You are using us for balance, but the strength is all you. You also like to jump in your stationary jumper still, but you only like to do that for short periods of time. I'm not sure if you get bored or you just do not like it. You have definitely reached the "grab everything within your arm's length" stage which makes it really difficult to do anything with you on our laps. You hand/eye coordination is getting so much better! You also started doing a sort of "dance" this month. It is adorable. That's all I can say about that.

You continue to have a variety of sounds, squeals, and noises that you make to talk to us. You like to tell us all about what is going on around you. You talk a lot in the car. I think you are talking back to Kenzie. I have noticed that you are using what sound like "hey" a lot lately. You will do it in response to people sometimes when they say "hey" to you. I do not believe this is truly your first word though because I do not think you have any meaning behind it, but I do think you are starting to mimic people. We often say "Hey, Will!" or "Hey, Little Man!" so you hear it a lot. You are also still super smiley. All anyone has to do is smile at you and you are all grins. If you are in a good mood, that is. You can also be very serious when you are upset or if you are thinking really hard about something.

This month we took a road trip to Atlanta to celebrate your cousin, Evie's, birthday and you did phenomenal on the drive. The downside is that you were super uncomfortable in the pack and play and you slept terribly for the duration of the trip. That, combined with your teething and your new obsession with mommy and daddy created a clingy mess. You did NOT like anyone else holding you for the most part during that trip. It was mommy, daddy, or the highway. You just weren't having it. Once we got home though you went back to sleeping better and did much better with other people. I think you were just over tired and over stimulated.

We also celebrated your first Easter. I know you aren't able to understand what is going on yet, but the Easter Bunny visited you anyway and you loved your new bunny ears. You also wanted to eat your sister's.

I can't believe you are now half a year old! You are growing up way too fast. We love you Little Man!



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