A couple of months ago when Will's umbilical hernia healed all on its own with no surgical intervention and without much fanfare... I remember breathing a sigh of relief. Whew! No surgery for this little guy. We are entirely out of the words. While we will not need to endure a surgery with an infant again (thank goodness for that!), Will ended up needing to have his own special moment apparently anyway. At Will's 6 month appointment everything looked great! He is one healthy little guy. Robust at 18 lbs, 7 oz (75th percentile) and tall at 27.25 inches (93rd percentile) but his head looked a little... odd. Will has always been a back sleeper. Despite the fact that he CAN roll, he chooses not to do so at bedtime or naps. He has a couple of times, but it was more on accident and he doesn't actually want to sleep that way. I noticed a long time ago that he tends to favor his left side. As a result, I started turning him each time I lay him down and changing which way he face...
Our life as a family of four (Plus one dog)