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Our Trip to Green Meadows Petting Farm

This year we were all able to take part in the annual Green Meadows Petting Farm trip that a friend of mine puts together every year. It is a huge group of families that all meet at the farm on a specified day and are able to take the tour. Kenzie had a blast!

Let me back up though, to start, Kenzie started walking maybe 2 weeks prior to this trip which made us super happy because we knew she would get more out of the trip if she was able to walk. We got the the farm bright and early on a Sunday morning and met up with everyone else in the group.

Kenzie "driving" a tractor

Just hanging out, waiting to get the tour started

We ended up renting a wagon to wheel Kenzie around in. She doesn't have a stroller that was really feasible for the dirt paths and everything at the farm. She seemed to think it was pretty cool.

Waiting for the tour in her little red wagon
The tour started with us visiting the chicken and duck pens. Kenzie seemed to think this was one of the greatest things ever and we spent the entire time with her chasing around the birds. Since she wasn't able to catch one, the tour guide brought around a duck for her to touch and later in the chicken pen, Daddy caught one for her to pet. 

Waiting to touch the ducks

Trying to escape so she could chase the ducks some more

Daddy caught a chicken for her

Looking for more chickens

After visiting the birds and seeing a few other birds, such as an ostrich, we moved on to some other animals including goats and sheep. As is generally par for the course with Kenzie, all the bigger four legged animals were called "Jack". Eh. She will get it one day. At least she generalizes that Jack is also a big four legged animal. Kenzie was even able to help Daddy feed the goats.

We were also able to hold baby ducks and chickens and pet those. That didn't last long though when Kenzie decided to attempt to decapitate a chick. Oops. The chick was okay. No animals were harmed during the tour of the farm... we did have to put the chick up though at that point.

The best part of the trip though, was Kenzie's first pony ride. She was very serious about it. After being told to make sure that she held on, she did... and she refused to let go. At least she is careful about some things.

We all took a ride on the train after the pony ride and finally we took a hayride. Kenzie was really starting to fade by the time we took the hay ride. It was helpful though because she stayed somewhat still. Our child rarely stops moving.

On the train with Daddy

Hitting a wall on the hayride
 The final activity to cap off the day was being able to pick a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. Kenzie found one she liked immediately and refused any help picking it up. It was bigger than her head but she was determined.

I thinkKenzie made it maybe 5 minutes in the car before she was OUT on the way home. She slept hard all the way home. We had a great time and look forward to next year's trip.


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