This year was Kenzie's first real Halloween experience. Sure, she was around last year but at that point in time, she didn't do much. Last year we sat outside (bundled up) and gave a few kids candy before we had to move the party inside because I was afraid she was getting too chilly. What a change this year. Not only with our little munchkin but with the weather. Holy cow! This year we started our Halloween festivities by attending our church's annual Fall Festival and trunk or treat the weekend before Halloween. This was set to be our dry run in Kenzie's Calico cat costume. I had this feeling that I had spent hours making this tutu and she was going to refuse to wear it and therefore become a regular black cat. I figured this would be a good practice though. We got her all ready (sans the ears and tutu) and headed over to the church. We live less than 2 miles from it, so it was a short ride. Once we got there, we put on her ears, drew on her nose and whiskers, and...
Our life as a family of four (Plus one dog)