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Showing posts from May, 2013

Double Digits! 10 Months Old Today!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013 10 Months Old Dear Mackenzie, Happy 10 Month Smiley Girl! Oh my goodness! Let the “how is my baby almost 1” meltdown commence!! Seriously, how has time flown by this fast?!? I am loving every minute with you though. Your happy go lucky personality is seriously adorable. You smile so often. I did a picture a day thing on Facebook this month that focused on pictures of you and one day was titled “Grumpy Face”. I seriously had to search to find a picture that was even close to showing some sort of grumpy face from you. They happen so very rarely. This month has flown by. Just yesterday it seems we were going to your 9 month appointment. You weighed in at a whopping 18 lbs, 5 oz (40th percentile) and measured 27 ¾ inches (60th percentile). The pediatrician decided that you were tall, skinny, and smart (you have a big head as well… 75th percentile). We will take it! You eat like a little piggy. As this month has gone on, we have changed from you nursing 5 times a day ...

Happy Mother's Day

Last year this time, I was pregnant with Mackenzie. It was what we considered at the time to be my "pre" first Mother's Day essentially. This year I have been blessed with the most special gift I could have ever been given. I have a very happy 9 month old that is truly the light of my life. On this Mother's Day though, I am having moments of sadness because all though I have little Mackenzie, I am all to familiar with other's struggles in motherhood. Just yesterday, a lady that was a part of the birth board that I joined lost her son to SMA Type 1. He was just over 10 months old. It was always a fatal diagnosis, but it was still something that shook everyone that knew him personally and even those of us that only knew him through blogs, Facebook posts, and pictures. Yesterday, heaven receieved a precious little angel. I'm sure he is running and laughing with the other children today and watching his own mom while smiling the most gorgeous smile. While I want...