Dear Will, Wow! Here we are. On your fourth birthday. Four years old already. Almost a whole hand. You have been such a joy to watch learn and grow this year and we are so happy we were chosen to be your parents to get to witness it. You just keep getting bigger and bigger. When you started school this year, everyone remarked about how you apparently shot up over the summer. We don't notice it, but after having a ton of people tell us, we decided you must have gotten a lot taller. So, we measured you. And lo and behold, you were tall. You had your official 4 year appointment today so the official measurements are 42 inches tall (85th percentile) and 35.4 pounds (50th percentile). It's official, you have left your sister behind at the same age at this point. Not surprising being that you are a boy and you have quite a few tall people in this family bringing you up. You are still riding the tall and skinny train, for sure. As a matter of fact, your BMI is at 4%. The ...
Our life as a family of four (Plus one dog)