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Showing posts from January, 2018

Five-and-a-Half - Kenzie's Half Birthday

Happy 1/2 birthday to Kenzie! How is she already five-and-a-half?? I can't believe that!!! She is growing up so fast. Sometimes I look at her and can't believe that we are lucky enough to be her parents. (Other times I want to send her to her room before I start banging my head into the wall because she is driving me crazy. But it's all about balance.) At 5-and-a-half, Kenzie: Is the sweetest kiddo ever. She has such a heart for others. Kenzie loves to make other people happy. We often joke that if you are ever having a bad day, hang out with Kenzie. Her happy view on life is contagious. We love that she lives her life viewing the world through rose colored glasses and although we want her to be aware of what goes on around her (and she actually is), we want her to maintain that positive outlook and that contagious, fun, sweet, caring, personality. Is still tall. She is currently somewhere around 45.5 to 46 inches tall. Those are my own measurements and...

Dining and Dashing - Park Ave 5k Recap

This past weekend Steven and I ran the Park Ave 5k with Track Shack. This is another race in the Track Shack Running Series. This is actually the race that kept us from becoming Track Shack Fanatics this year as we were not sure we would be able to make it due to some other things that tend to happen in January around here and scheduling. As it turned out though, we were able to make it and the race actually ended up being pretty great. To start, my mom came into town on Friday to help us out for this one. She watched the kiddos for us while we went to the race. We were up bright and early to head out to Winter Park for the race. We were not super excited to see the car read the temp as 44 degrees on the way over but at least it wasn't earlier in the week when the temp was in the 20s. I think I would have forfeited the money and sat that one out. Ugh. I could not run in a northern state. Props to those people. They think we are crazy for running in the heat of the summer but I ...

South Florida Visit - January 2018

Last weekend we made a quick trip to South Florida. Our reason for going down was to attend the second birthday party of one adorable toddler. We decided to add a day in again this year like we did last year and take some time to do something fun since we were already out of town. We picked Kenzie up from school on Friday afternoon, went by the house for a potty break, and then immediately left for South Florida. Will had fallen asleep in the car while we were getting gas before waiting to pick Kenzie up. We debated for a bit whether to wake him up and make him potty or just let him continue to sleep and risk an accident or having to race to a service plaza so he could potty when he woke up. We elected to let him sleep which both worked out well and backfired later in the day but we at least made it without bathroom accident incident. He has gotten so great at traveling without pull-ups. Anyway, after a quick stop to change Kenzie's shoes and let everyone potty, we were on our wa...