Happy 1/2 birthday to Kenzie! How is she already five-and-a-half?? I can't believe that!!! She is growing up so fast. Sometimes I look at her and can't believe that we are lucky enough to be her parents. (Other times I want to send her to her room before I start banging my head into the wall because she is driving me crazy. But it's all about balance.) At 5-and-a-half, Kenzie: Is the sweetest kiddo ever. She has such a heart for others. Kenzie loves to make other people happy. We often joke that if you are ever having a bad day, hang out with Kenzie. Her happy view on life is contagious. We love that she lives her life viewing the world through rose colored glasses and although we want her to be aware of what goes on around her (and she actually is), we want her to maintain that positive outlook and that contagious, fun, sweet, caring, personality. Is still tall. She is currently somewhere around 45.5 to 46 inches tall. Those are my own measurements and...
Our life as a family of four (Plus one dog)