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Showing posts from September, 2017

Spending Time At The Family Dinner Table

I set a few new goals for this school year. I have big plans. Always. Haha! Anyway, my goal has been to try to add one new recipe per week to our rotation of meals as well as use our slow cooker once a week. So far, we have been doing pretty well and so far, we have enjoyed all of our new meals. We did have a week of set back so far when we had no power after Hurricane Irma so that we didn't make any new meals or anything. The current week was another difficult week as we had to spend money restocking some essentials in our kitchen that we lost due to the power outage so we had to hold off on anything new this week, as well. The main goal of all of this has been to add new recipes but also make sure that we are spending time at the dinner table as a family. This is something we have tried to do since our kids have been old enough to understand eating dinner as a family. BC (Before Children) and even when Kenzie was small, we ate in the living room while watching TV a lot, but as ...

Rocking Another Year of School

The kids have officially been in school for a little over a month (minus a week due to Hurricane Irma and her wrath... but that is another post for another time) and they are doing great! Will is blossoming in school. The more he goes, the happier I am with our decision to put him in a "year" earlier than Kenzie. Technically he is almost the same age she was when she started but because of how his birthday falls (especially compared to her), he is in a younger class. He is the oldest in the class, I think, but he is having a blast. I remember on his second day when I made it to his school a little early and planned to sit in the parking lot waiting for time to pick him up. His class was on the playground and he was running "with" his friends (they were mostly parallel playing but every now and then would interact some and it was adorable). He went down the big slide a bunch of times and waited in line to go down the smaller slide after some of his classmates. W...

Summer Bucket List 2017 - Final Update

Well, with Labor Day, we are calling it the official end of summer. I haven't done a weekly recap recently because we haven't been doing a ton of things off the bucket list and when we have been doing fun things, they have been mostly unrelated so I blogged those things instead. If anyone is interested, those blogs were: UCF Fanfest Staying with Grandma and Grandaddy I figured though that with the end of summer, we could handle one more final bucket list update so when I want to go back and read all about it again one day, it would be easy enough. So... here goes! Here is our final bucket list. As you can see, a few things didn't get done again this year. The first was the Tavares Splash Pad. Honestly, we spent so much time at the pool and beach this summer that we didn't really miss this one. Also, it wasn't like it is around the corner. It isn't far... but it isn't a hop, skip, and a jump away. So, we just didn't get around to it. We a...