I set a few new goals for this school year. I have big plans. Always. Haha! Anyway, my goal has been to try to add one new recipe per week to our rotation of meals as well as use our slow cooker once a week. So far, we have been doing pretty well and so far, we have enjoyed all of our new meals. We did have a week of set back so far when we had no power after Hurricane Irma so that we didn't make any new meals or anything. The current week was another difficult week as we had to spend money restocking some essentials in our kitchen that we lost due to the power outage so we had to hold off on anything new this week, as well. The main goal of all of this has been to add new recipes but also make sure that we are spending time at the dinner table as a family. This is something we have tried to do since our kids have been old enough to understand eating dinner as a family. BC (Before Children) and even when Kenzie was small, we ate in the living room while watching TV a lot, but as ...
Our life as a family of four (Plus one dog)