Last year we decided it was finally time to put Kenzie into swimming lessons. We live in Florida and we typically swim from about April until September. Sometimes more, sometimes less. We swim A LOT though. BC (Before Children) we spent every weekend morning at the pool. Now, it is a bit more cumbersome to take 2 small children to the pool so it doesn't happen as often, but as they get older, we are hoping to get there more and more often. We also LOVE LOVE LOVE the beach. All of us. So, we despite the fact that we do not have a pool at our own home, we spend a lot of time in and around the water. Swimming lessons were a no brainer. In the Keys last summer when we pretty much lived on the beach for a week. Breaking out our kiddie pool since we haven't had time to make it to the community pool yet. Before deciding where to get swimming lessons, I did a bit of research. I looked into the ever-popular ISR type lessons. After looking at those (and a TON of our friends...
Our life as a family of four (Plus one dog)