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16 Weeks Pregnant

Baby’s Size: Avocado
How far along: 16 Weeks
Total weight gain: Depends on who you ask. I was up 2 pounds at the doctor’s office. That is from where I started with them. I am taking weight gain based on each scale separately. On our scale, I am up 3 pounds. Either way, I am hanging out around 2 or 3. I found my info from when I was pregnant with Kenzie and at 16 weeks I was actually up 4 pounds so I am a bit lower this time. I did weigh about 4 pounds more though when I got pregnant this time than when I did with Kenzie.   
Sleep: Pretty good. Except for the toddler that keeps waking up at night and making me get up to comfort her. Not sure what is going on there but although it makes me more tired the next day, I relish the snuggles I get with our little girl. I know those won’t last too much longer so I take advantage now. I just wish she would go back to sleeping until 7:30 instead of waking up for the day between 6:30 and 7. Other than that, it’s good so as far as pregnancy is related, it’s still good.   
Maternity Clothes: Of course. Not going back now. I need more shorts… it’s too hot for the few pairs I have.
Food cravings: The grapes thing has calmed down some. Just as I expected. I had an intense craving for blueberry muffins this weekend. Steven was so awesome that we stopped at the store, got the ingredients and he made them from scratch. That’s right, my husband can now bake. Might be bad I learned that though… I wonder if I can request a strawberry cake (just from the box) for Mother’s Day. Hmmmm….      
Food aversions: Not a whole lot.        
Symptoms I HAVE: Some issues with nausea and getting sick but it is usually related to brushing my teeth. I gag myself apparently. I remember having that issue with Kenzie too. My sciatic nerve pain is back. Early, early this time. I didn’t have issues with Kenzie until closer to 25 weeks I think. I also used to have some issues back before I lost all the weight the year before I got pregnant with Kenzie. Then, and with Kenzie I think, it was related to weight gain. This time, I think it must just be the way my uterus is sitting in there. It is pinching that nerve some. I get the pain if I stand too long or if I lay on my left side too long. That’s not really great considering it is better to sleep on your left when pregnant. I can only do what I can do though. I lay like that as long as possible and then switch to my right side for a while.   
Stretchmarks: Still have the old one. =) I have been using cocoa butter more regularly. Not because I think that will help prevent my stretch marks but because my stomach itches like crazy and I know scratching won’t help me avoid them any.   
Doctor’s Appointment:  Today! Everything looks good. My BP is still slightly elevated from my norm but not out of the norm really for a pregnant woman. It is holding consistent since my first appointment. The baby’s heartbeat is 156. It took him a minute to find it. Apparently lotion can interfere with the Doppler and I did put it on last night. Kenzie didn’t seem too impressed with the heartbeat. I can’t wait until she can feel the baby though and maybe it will make more sense. They took more blood to test for spinal cord defects. I swear, it’s like they just want to try to take all my blood. I have the anatomy ultrasound scheduled for June 2 and 6 weeks after that I get to do the dreaded diabetes test. I HATE that thing.     
Movement: Not as much lately. I think I was having so much because the baby was just in a favorable position and it has now changed where it is hanging out. He/She has so much room in there that he/she can move all around and moved in such a way that I don’t have as much movement. Doctor was, of course, fine with that. We don’t worry about feeling movement daily until I am after 20 weeks or so.
Belly Button (In or Out): In.
Wedding Ring (On or Off): On.
Labor Signs: None.
Gender: Hard at work party planning. =) We will know in less than a month! The heartbeat was significantly lower this time (but higher than 140). Wives tale says girl. I have been craving salty foods more than sweet. Wives tale says boy. I have fairly good skin. Wives tale says boy. Chinese calendar says girl. 50/50 shot at either. =) The doctor knew. He was good and didn’t tell me.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy. Though I cried yesterday when I bumped my knee. Not because it hurt… but because I was so frustrated that every time I get up from the chair at the bar that I bump that same knee. Hormones.
Best moment of the week: Finally getting to grill a full summer meal. That’s a bit weird right? Well, I was craving a hamburger that day. We had turkey burgers, grilled corn on the cob, cheesy pasta, watermelon and blueberry muffins for dessert. Yum. We have been pretty low key this week so that was a high point.
What I’m looking forward to: Mother’s Day is this weekend. We are seeing the parents and in laws for dinner on Saturday at the amazing German restaurant. I’m looking forward to celebrating with everyone.

What I miss: Wine. That seems to come up a lot in these updates. I was cleaning the buffet table in our kitchen the other day and was dusting off all the wine bottles (since they haven’t seen much use lately). Moscato, Pinot Noir, Merlot, the awesome white wine from the mountains of Tennessee… I just want to have some wine!!  


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